Former Fat Girl Victory!

So for the past several months, I've really struggled with a sugar addiction. . once I have something sweet, I just want to eat more and more and more of it. I've been a complete failure at self-control, and today I feel like I had such a victory!! I'm a teacher, so naturally toward the end of the year, everyone brings "stress food" or sweets around. There were cookies, brownies, and sinful looking bars in the workroom. While I did indulge, I had the smallest cookie I could find on the plate (2 inches in diameter). Now here's where the victory comes in for me. . . I didn't have any more! I never went back for another one, I didn't have the chocolately brownie which in a former life would have been my first choice, and I haven't even thought about eating more of the sweets! Additionally, a student of mine gave me a brownie with a thank you note today after class. I read the note, and then tossed the brownie. I don't need it. :) I know this seems like such a small thing, and in some eyes eating the first cookie at all would seem like a failure. But you know what. . . to me eating just that one small cookie and nothing else is more of a victory than not having it at all!

Anyone else experience this kind of thing?


  • iwlizz
    iwlizz Posts: 39 Member
    way to go!! I have cravings all the time, and over indulge, but I'm hoping since I joined here, I'll be more conscious of what I actually stick in my mouth!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    That is a BIG thing for someone who likes sweets!! You should be proud. I like rice krispy squares and make them for my son's preschool. I have gotten to the point where I will only have 1 and walk away from the pan.

    This is a lifestly change, not a crash diet, so reality has to be part of it.
  • hunnibear
    hunnibear Posts: 5
    WOW!! Great job :)
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Congratulations! I think that's a great victory. It's often harder to just have one cookie or a small serving of something than to avoid it altogether. And making sensible choices, like "I can have one cookie today", is so much more realistic for most of us.

    Way to go!
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    that is truly awesome ! everything is done in small steps. your doing great on your weight loss journey keep up all the great work your doing.
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Oh, that is so not a small thing - it's HUGE! It means something has changed in your mind which is actually harder to change than your body. Good for you!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    For a sugar addict, that's a great victory. Congratulations!
  • genie98
    genie98 Posts: 62
    I think you did an awesome job! It is very hard to learn how to eat normally without over doing it. I think you did exactly the right thing. I am also finding it easier as I go to just pass on foods that I normally wouldn't have. Thanks for sharing!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    That's an accomplishment! I'm a college professor and for me it's the end of year events, like a send-off lunch for our department's student workers. I've found that sodium is my salvation for these types of victories. (I'm trying to get off BP medication and I'm watching sodium like a hawk.) This year's end of term luncheon was at the Olive Garden where even the salads have 1000+ g of sodium. I gave into peer pressure and attended the event...but didn't eat a thing while there, opting for a lower calorie, lower sodium meal I brought from home after the event was finished. :)
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    aw fantastic!!! Thats a great victory over a prior problem!! Well done to you!! :) It shows a real commitment to making this about a change of old habits and pat of a new, happier, healthier you!!

    Yay!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    Congratulations from a fellow teacher! I avoid the staff room like the plague! LOL
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    "It's better to waste it than to waist it!!!" You did awesome! Congrats! :)
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    Sugar is ADDICTIVE! You have withdrawals, cravings, everything a drug addict would experience. The fact that you were able to be so darned MODERATE is AWESOME!!! Your brain's built chemical pathways that correlate sweets with pleasure so you just took a step in the right direction by not feeding that pathway! You can break it for good if you stick with it :) (This, of course, does not mean the end of your sweets eatin' self forever, but the feeling of control is so nice).
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    Congratulations, I think that's great. I know people mean well but I really don't think we're doing teachers any favors by bringing in SO many treats all the time. During teacher appreciation week our PTA planned a not-so-healthy breakfast every day for the staff. I think just one day would have been okay and don't see the need for giving our teachers unhealthy foods 5 days in a row.
  • Mehagon
    Mehagon Posts: 83
    Haha!! That's an awesome quote! Thanks. . . I might just have to keep that in mind. :) And thanks everyone!
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    Congratulations. I know how that feels. I work in a supermarket and I sometimes find it hard not to go to some of the sweets that we sell like Fresh brownies and fudge. Even smelling those fresh cookies baking is a struggle. But I know that i want to try to lose this weight and stay away from it.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Congratulations! That is a huge victory to those of us addicted to sweets! I crave ice cream like no other when its hot and when I craved some on monday, I looked at my calories for the day, realized I couldn't fit it in, and then did an extra workout on tuesday so I could have a small cup of ice cream. Normally I get a big waffle cone with cookies n cream or butter pecan, but I got a small cup of cherry sorbet and it was PERFECT! There's nothing wrong with indulging a little amount if you either A. can fit it into your calorie count for the day or B. do the extra exercise to give yourself those calories.
  • phog007
    phog007 Posts: 29 Member
    So for the past several months, I've really struggled with a sugar addiction. . once I have something sweet, I just want to eat more and more and more of it. I've been a complete failure at self-control, and today I feel like I had such a victory!! I'm a teacher, so naturally toward the end of the year, everyone brings "stress food" or sweets around. There were cookies, brownies, and sinful looking bars in the workroom. While I did indulge, I had the smallest cookie I could find on the plate (2 inches in diameter). Now here's where the victory comes in for me. . . I didn't have any more! I never went back for another one, I didn't have the chocolately brownie which in a former life would have been my first choice, and I haven't even thought about eating more of the sweets! Additionally, a student of mine gave me a brownie with a thank you note today after class. I read the note, and then tossed the brownie. I don't need it. :) I know this seems like such a small thing, and in some eyes eating the first cookie at all would seem like a failure. But you know what. . . to me eating just that one small cookie and nothing else is more of a victory than not having it at all!

    Anyone else experience this kind of thing?

    Congrats on the victory. But maybe more important congratulations and thank you for being the type of teacher that gets brownies and a note! Enjoy your summer ;)
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    Small thing?? PFFT! This is HUGE!! I'm a sugar freak myself - if I have a donut I want 6 of 'em! When I go in to pay for gas I MUST grab a candybar - but these days I try to grab just 1 regular size one, instead of the TWO King Size I used to grab. But let me tell you a secret about stopping the continuing craving after you've had something sweet: Brush yer teeth or chew some gum. It gets the taste out of your mouth and thus out of your brain. It really works! WTG on your victory! :flowerforyou:
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    As a midwife our thankyou pressies are generally boxes of chocolates ....usually the midwife who delivers the baby gets the goodies but it's such a team profession that I just upend any boxes I get at the nurses station and say 'here you go girls, well done us' ...they're gone in 5 minutes, problem solved!
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