No exercise

so... I work 9 to 5 Monday through Friday, and go to school Monday through Friday from 6pm to 10pm. I am a cosmetology student so i do hair while at school. By the time i get home, i am ready for a shower and bed. The only time i have for exercise would be on the weekends. So my question is, has anyone lost weight following MFP without exercise? Any suggestions?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    you dont need exercise to lose weight, it just helps with toning your body as you lose it.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    u can and its possible BUT for long term results you need to start with some small exercise....even 15minutes...Susan Sansone has Dvd's walk away the pounds..easily can implement those
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    with out exercise make healthy choices of what you put in your mouth. weight loss is honestly about 80% diet, 15% exercise, and 5% mental so you are good. BUT.... I work 8-5 then have class 6-10 m-w AND i work out at 4:30 am...if you want it bad enough, you'll find a way!
  • srtiemann
    srtiemann Posts: 76
    My experience with losing weight is that I HAVE to exercise. Since joining MFP I have been walking on the treadmill at night. See if you can do at least 30 minutes prior to bed. It has made a world of difference in my sleeping as well. I wake up feeling better than if I don't do anything.

    Hope this helps.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We workout at 5am before work. Exercise and healthy lifestyle changes work hand in hand.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I would say it is possible as you are at a calorie deficit but it isn't advisable to do no exercise. You should do exercise to decrease the loss of muscle that you lose along with fat.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Workout before work. Don't make excuses, just do it. There are a lot of great DVD's out there find one you like and get moving.
  • TigerBlood72
    TigerBlood72 Posts: 88 Member
    My first week I lost 7lbs with no exercise. You can lose weight without exercise but it's much harder. Read this:

    You need some muscle. One thing I do because don't always have a consistant schedule is I do 25 pushups almost every hour throughout the day. It take like 30 secs.

    You can pick something simple and quick to do during the day too.

    Hope this helps.
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    First off, I have to say that you are absolutely beautiful!!

    Secondly, exercise is a part of the losing weight equation. Yes, you can lose weight by just eating healthy. My personal trainer said to me that weight loss is 80% of what you eat and 20% of exercise. With that being said...Try waking up a extra 45 minutes early to go for a walk, or do an exercise video?? You'll see faster results by working out and you'll feel more energized for the day. Either way, do the best you can, work hard, and the results will be there!

    Keep up the great work and God bless:)
  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I squeeze in a walk on my 10am break and my 3pm breaks every day at work to make sure I do SOMETHING incase "life" gets in the way later on.
    Good luck!
  • galaviz1015
    galaviz1015 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I do atleast try to jump on the treadmill on the weekends, but i will deff make an effort to do a little bit more during the week!!! :happy:
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    with out exercise make healthy choices of what you put in your mouth. weight loss is honestly about 80% diet, 15% exercise, and 5% mental so you are good. BUT.... I work 8-5 then have class 6-10 m-w AND i work out at 4:30 am...if you want it bad enough, you'll find a way!

    I agree^^^^^^ I work 8 to 6 at hubbys shop mon-sat have my own online jewelry business I work
    8pm until when ever sometimes 10 sometimes 2am, where theres a will theres a way.
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    I think you got your answer already - yes it can be done but excercising has more health benefits than just losing weight. Even people who have no weight to lose should still excercise. You should find physical activities that you enjoy that don't seem like excercise because they are fun for you (swimming, biking, hiking, etc.). Maybe then excercising won't be something cutting into your little amount of available free time. Just remember to indicate in your fitness profile that you do not intend to work out, maybe your set nutirtion goals will be set accordingly. It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound of weight. Calculate your Basal Metablic Rate (how many calories you use just staying alive) here, and try to create a calorie consumption deficit to lose weight.

    For example if your BMR is 1700 calories per day, and you don't excersize and only consume 1200 per day, that's a 500 calorie deficit per day. If you had a deficit like this every day for 7 days you would lose 1 pound in that period of time. I think that's right...
  • exercisesucks
    exercisesucks Posts: 102
    you dont need exercise to lose weight, it just helps with toning your body as you lose it.

    Bad puppy! No biscuit!

    Exercise is essential for losing weight and keeping it off! Otherwise prepare to board the YOYO!!!
  • mattiexox
    mattiexox Posts: 42
    It's possible, but you CAN find time to workout in your weekdays! You go to work at 9 am, right? You can try to get up earlier every other day and workout before work :)
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    you dont need exercise to lose weight, it just helps with toning your body as you lose it.

    Bad puppy! No biscuit!

    Exercise is essential for losing weight and keeping it off! Otherwise prepare to board the YOYO!!!

    I disagree. At lest in your case - you sure don't sound as though you are a couch potato and I think in that case it would be different. I have lost 35+ pounds mostly due to diet changes. It definitely comes off slower though. I do try and run as often as I can but have a hard time fitting it in due to the time constraints of life in general (already up before 5am and not to bed until after 10pm). And I have hit a plateau - if you can call it that - it's lasted a few monthes - and I'm sure it's because I need to add some more exercise into the routine. But as for yo-yo - hasn't happened at all. I fluctuate within a 4lb range it seems and I'm sure that is normal. I agree with the 80% diet and 20% exercise.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    There are workout DVD's such as 10 minute trainer by Tony Horton and 20 minute workouts with Jillian Michaels that are designed to fit into a busy schedule during the week.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It doesn't have to be a full on exercise session either. If you really don't have time then you can do little things here and there to burn some more cals. Things like parking your car further away from work/school. Going for a walk to get lunch instead of driving. Cooking dinner in the kitchen: do some body weight squats, jog on the spot, anything really! In front of my tv I have a cross trainer, kettlebell, resistance bands, light hand weights, foam roller and pilates mat. This ensures that time watching tv isn't "wasted" for me :)
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I lost 20 pounds over four months on MFP without exercise. However, now I'm exercising.

    I have 15lbs to go and I am caring more about how I feel, inches off and my appearance than I did about numbers on the scale.

    I want to rock that bikini, and I do have more strength and energy. Thank you Jillian Michaels, for your 30 day shred! I'm 11 days in and it makes a difference right away. 1 inch off my waist with no change on the scale: I'll take it, thank you very much!

    I'm finding it harder not to eat over my calories now that I'm doing exercise: it's as if all my willpower goes in the exercise and I have to really dig into my brain to keep the daily calories close to my allowance. My advice: You can find half an hour to do it. Yes you can. Should you do it? Only you can decide. I'm very happy with my 20lb loss but I need to try something else now.