diabetic support

lmarsh81 Posts: 11 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
I am a 33 year old female with two kids and I have the biggest problem with consistency. My schedule is so hectic it's impossible sometimes to Log, eat 3 to 6 meals a day or even exercise. I've been on and off logging for a while now. Between those times I have lost a love one, ended a relationship,work became more stressful mentally and physically and became a single parent. I told my dr this is hard. Managing blood sugars taking pills, eating right, counting calories, carbs all of it! I don't know where to start! My day starts at 4:30 am and ends at 10pm 6 of 7 days a week. I also work 10 days straight before i get 4 days off. I realize that being at the "ideal" weight of 151 pounds unrealistic. I currently weigh 283 pounds and would like to lose 100 within two years. I have a few supportive friends on here and I've lost a few because of my inactivity. I would like to gain more supportive friends to help me reach my goal. I don't mind suggestions on where to start. Just need the extra push.....


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited June 2015
    Make some huge changes so that during those four days you arrange time to sleep, walk (or other light exercise), and do meal planning/ preparation for the next 10 days. :) Learn to eventually have five or six easy high protein meals to cook that are simple and low calorie that you repeat/ rotate.

    Buy a food scale for 25 bucks and spend two weeks weighing and measuring and logging into the diary. (It takes two weeks to get the hang of the data base for some of us.) Then look back and evaluate and find a few places to reduce so that you can be at the calorie deficit you set with MFP.

    In the beginning set your goal to 1.5 pounds to lose per week.
    Instead of making a timed goal, make a goal to have as many days as possible be days that you are at your calorie deficit for the week and are getting enough protein. Plan for daily success.

    Edited to add:
    You do not have to eat 3-6 meals a day. That is hogwash. Eat how often you want. Some people eat only two meals a day. And meal timing is not important either. Eat your meals spread out or close together. What matters for weight loss is the number at the end of the day -- whatever counts as your day.
  • lizziecheek
    lizziecheek Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Imarsh81! I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes (DM). I have been a RN for >31 years and have worked as a case manager to help diabetics manage DM for much of my career. The good news is a 10% weight loss can significantly improve your health and DM. It is hard to eat 3 meals per day and snacks if the next meal is over 4 hours when one has a hectic schedule. I work until 8 p.m. 2 nights per week and eat my lunch 8 or more hours from when I wake up and have breakfast. I talk to patients on the phone so eating is difficult. I have been trying to have boiled eggs and available fruit for a snack between meals, goals is to eat every 4-5 hours to best manage blood sugar. With DM meals need to have protein and carbs and unfortunately we do need to eat more than 2 meals per day due to diet plays a significant role in managing blood sugars. Exercise is also critical in lowering blood sugar. Medicine alone will not manage our blood sugars. I have recently ordered ramican's that hold 1 cup. One cup of a casserole such as broccoli, chicken, cheese and pasta equals 2 carbs (1carbs equals 15 grams - meals usually have 45-75 grams carbs), 2 proteins, and one fat. I plan to make some healthy dishes and freeze in individual containers I can take from the freezer to the over, to the table. The more planned I am as RodaRose said the more successful I am. I am just getting started and will let you know how it goes. I bought a Better Homes and Gardens special addition magazine with a lot of recipes, with breakdown of calories and carbs/protein/fat that can be frozen. When I have been successful with maintaining a healthy weight and was not diabetic I would cook and freeze all my meals on Sundays, have a written meal plan for 7 days and have all food to meet plan available so I didn't have to go to the store. I want to get back to that place. Liz
  • lmarsh81
    lmarsh81 Posts: 11 Member
    Than you for the suggestions. And I know it's gong to pan out for me. As if right now I don't have weights to lift so I use full paint buckets 1 gal and weights. I want to join a gym but it's not in my budget. I have started jogging in place, jumping jacks and crunches. I do all of this before I go to bed since it's the only time I'm able to.
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I have been diabetic T2 for 21/2 years
    It took me 2 years to get my head around the idea
    In that time I put on more weight
    In January I started on myfittnesspal and I have done great
    My blood sugars and blood pressure is under control ( I still have to take pills )
    Next on my list is to sort exercise I have been doing gardening and walking so far
    I started at 302 lbs I have lost 66 lbs
    I started slowly weighing all food and making sure I log all I eat and drink
  • oriq
    oriq Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Yesterday the dr. told me that my sugar is high. I already suspected that, so he game a meter and since yesterday I started checking my sugar. I checked this morning and it was high. It actually dunked in because we are trying to get pregnant and we've been unable to. Now, after seen how expensive it is and harmful, and that I have to take medication. I'm motivated to kick my sugar's butt!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    lmarsh81 wrote: »
    Than you for the suggestions. And I know it's gong to pan out for me. As if right now I don't have weights to lift so I use full paint buckets 1 gal and weights. I want to join a gym but it's not in my budget. I have started jogging in place, jumping jacks and crunches. I do all of this before I go to bed since it's the only time I'm able to.

    Good luck. You are going to do fine. :)