Constant restart

hi guys. My name is Rebecca. I've got about 40 pounds to loose, but I have a problem. Commitment. I want to lose the weight, but I never stick with anything. I start and keep it up max about two weeks, and then I slip and it takes a while to get back up. So I found the community page and figured maybe I will find someone to keep me accountable. :)


  • Jefferll03
    Jefferll03 Posts: 8 Member
    Rebecca PLEASE let's do this. The title says it all. Lena is the name.
  • Jefferll03
    Jefferll03 Posts: 8 Member
    Day #1
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    hi guys. My name is Rebecca. I've got about 40 pounds to loose, but I have a problem. Commitment. I want to lose the weight, but I never stick with anything. I start and keep it up max about two weeks, and then I slip and it takes a while to get back up. So I found the community page and figured maybe I will find someone to keep me accountable. :)
    What's stopping you from committing? If there are other more important things to you than losing weight, they will always be the reason you forego commitment to it. It's really about you and not whether or not you can be held accountable. I've watched for years on here how people say, "hold me accountable", then when they fail, they don't respond or show up anymore.
    So till you're ready to commit, the start/stop will continue. How bad do you really want it? If you hesitate in committing (no excuses, no procrastination, no negativity), then you may not be ready to attempt it.
    Not trying to be mean here, just letting you know that in all my years doing this, intentions didn't do much for my clients. Committing to getting it done does.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Chris72tine
    Chris72tine Posts: 12 Member
    You sound some what like me. We need to support each other. I am just starting this all over again. I am hopeful that this time I will make a change. "Permanent change" This time I feel as though I have no choice. It's either lose this weight or stay heavy. I can't stay heavy not any longer.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I was the same way, sort of floundering and then getting frustrated and tapering off, until I found a program I really like. Now I'm making workouts and nutrition my priority.

    My fiance told me he has a problem with deciding to get fit and going all in, all at once, making sweeping changes in every aspect of his life, and then fizzling out. He's trying it this time by tackling only one aspect at a time in order to make it a habit.

    It can take a while, but find what works for you. Remember that it doesn't have to be all or nothing...every step you take gets you closer to your goal. Think of something you can do this week to further your progress, and do it. Next week, add something else. Things like: get a fitness tracker and see how many steps you average in a day, and then commit to improving that number. Track your food and see what you average in a day, and commit to cutting 100 calories, then 200, etc. Look through some healthy recipes on Pinterest and start a board with the ones you want to try. Make a grocery list for it.

    Find a workout you enjoy. Do you like lifting? Biking? Walking in an air conditioned gym? Are you more likely to do it if you can watch Netflix on your phone while you do it? Music? With a workout partner who can hold you accountable? Alone? Put some thought into it. The more you enjoy it, the less likely you are to shirk it.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    It's all Calories In, Calories Out! The exercise and feeling better are just an amazing bonus. You can TOTALLY do this! <3 Use MFP to log your calories, and well... Just stay within the boundaries it gives you. Many days, I have to stop myself and eat extra just TO hit the minimum required for health [1200 calories for women]!

    Some great ideas are replacing your pasta with shirataki noodles [drain & rinse, they don't need to be boiled; GREAT as a stir fry; 0-30 calories per package, depending on which you buy], eating fruit for breakfast, etc.

    Couch to 5k is a great program that takes just about 30min a day, and will help you get super active! It gets you used to running in small bursts, and you can repeat days if necessary. I use this on my treadmill, as my town is a lil too small to jog successfully.