Job Stress

This is a rant/support patient...:mad:

So, I work at a marina in South Florida. Love it! Atmosphere is great. Location is gorgeous. Mosquitoes drive me insane, but oh well. Hours and pay are decent. Overall, pretty good place to work...

EXCEPT... at the very beginning and up until recently...I have had to deal with a bipolar freaking boss who loves and praises me one day to threatening my job the next over stupid **** like forgetting to vaccuum a rug. Also have had to deal with *kitten* office staff doing whatever they can to get me fired over stupid misunderstandings all because they don't like the fact that I know the bossman and he got me the job. Get over it you ignorant immature pricks...ok, set that aside as I think I have come to a happy medium with them and they are finally warming up to me...(after all I AM an awesome person and pretty easy to get along with):angry:, that summer is here and our marina gets slower, we have to cut hours. Understandable. Sucks cause I am already paycheck to paycheck, barely making it by as is, but I am sure I can manage with a 4 hr paycut.. Except now, the other girl I work with who had previously said that she did not want many hours and that I could have all the extras (it has been the exact same schedule for a year) has decided that she wants more hours and is trying to pull seniority on me through my boss who is a pacifist and pushover and wants me to split some of my hours with her. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!?! So, now I apparently have no choice but to have a MASSIVE hour cut. SO, yeah, I am PISSED and want nothing more than a big *kitten* Matilda sized chocolate cake and a punching bag...(I am reasonable, but you can't just take hours from someone who needs them without any other reason beside "it's not fair") :explode:

And to top it off, I was promised more hours in another area of the marina to make up for hours lost and now I am being told that might not happen as other people are whining that I may get the hours even though they already turned them down!!! AND everyone else thinks I will be great in the other areas! :huh:


  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    That sounds very stressful indeed. Unstable boss, coworkers gunning for your hours or job., the curse of being awesome:) and making everyone else jealous. Now this may not be helpful at all but here is goes:)
    Reduced hours as you said means reduced income, but also more time to yourself to a: potentially look for other part time work, b: find ways to live even more frugally ( I have found that our expenses tend to balloon with one's income, so the reverse might also be true). This might just be opportunity you were looking for. Who knows you might get so annoyed that you start looking for something else and before you know, you might stumble across something even better... out of despair comes glory:)
    Staying positive in all that stress and negativity clearly makes you a stronger person.
    A punching bag is indeed a marvellous idea (I use one for a variety of occasions:)) In case you cannot afford one, 2 sofa cushions, or thick mattress, a large pillow stuffed with clothes all can work as a substitute in a pinch.
    Hang in there, this too shall pass.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Thank you. It is quite surprising how this post has more than 60 views, yet only 1 comment...sad how some people just won't take time out of their day and read someone's post...thank YOU for the support and kind words. I am trying to not stress because stress does bad thing for my body. It is just really hard right now and I have no problem with finding a part time job for now except that the job market here SUCKS royally. One can only hope for glory...
  • kmck045
    kmck045 Posts: 19
    Stress does weird things to my ability to control calorie intake so I fully empathise with you.

    Do you have temp agencies over there where they find you short term contract stuff? I've found that when you can go in, be a star for a few days, go to the next place, be a star, etc etc, they tend to prioritise you in placements.

    I love temp work and sure do miss the new stuff I used to learn that way when I was doing it.

    Definitely sucks when you like what you're actually doing already though!
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    I am in a bad mood anyway so reading this wants me to recommend an uzi or AK-47 or some other sort of violent overthrow like what is happening in the Arabic countries. BUT, none of those will work and none of those are even appropriate (even though it does feel good rant like this about those f$%^ers!).

    The truth is, of course, we have no control over the events around us. Try as we might want to, there are things we can control and other things we simply cannot. This sounds like one of those that you cannot control. I certainly appreciate the benefits of a good rant but it has to be short and then over. Just like being stuck in bad traffic, we can be right but there is nothing we can do. Being morally superior to the traffic or your coworkers and boss is not going to cause the situation to change (did that make sense?). It is what it is.

    I would look at the things I can control and follow the path they show you. Cutting expenses, temp work, etc are all viable options you can control. If you are that awesome (and all of us know you are) then finding another job is possible, even in this economy. Yeah, it may not been in such a georgous spot at a marina (does sound nice) but your health and peace is more important than a beautiful view.

    Set aside some time and list the things that are really important to you. If you pray, pray about it. There is a right anwer and I am confident you can find it.

    Then go back and shoot those mother f%^&rs down! LOL

  • linzanne5
    linzanne5 Posts: 26 Member
    I just recently left a very stressful job. The department I was working in was completely swamped...well some parts, mine most definitely. I was so stressed it wasn't even funny. When I asked if I could get help from some of the people sitting around on their *kitten* all day because they were slow I was looked at like I was stupid! Let's just say when I put my two weeks in to move on to bigger and better things it was the best feeling in the world. That place screwed me over so bad it wasn't even funny. They figured hey, this girl can keep up with the work so let's give her more....nope, see ya! I actually have a fairly decent job right now so maybe some luck will come your way and things will work out in your favor :) Hang in there! I know being in that stressful situation can make you lose your focus. I have only been at the new job 2 weeks and I'm still adjusting....and slacking in the MFP department. But I'm not giving up!!! If you ever need to vent some more feel free to add me :) I know I could always use a good kicking to get myself back on track, it's a win/win!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    First of all -- put down the chocolate cake! :smile:

    It sounds to me that you like what you do and the physical environment that you're in, but perhaps not the people. I find that this is one of the most difficult things to deal with. I am in that situation now . . .

    I am really sorry that they are cutting your hours back. I know that it's small consolation, but you do still have a job. I'm not sure if you're ready to look for another job yet, but It's easier to find a job while you still have one. It may be easier to get your resume together and look for a new one with the "extra" hours that you have.

    And in the meantime, go for that workout! When I'm frustrated about work, I use the Wii Boxing to burn some extra calories. And I have kicked some cartoon butt!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. You have all been so wonderful and helpful!