Hello and.... HELP meeee!

Thank you for opening my post!
I am really needing some advice. I know this partially is a calorie counting site but can anyone tell me if this will help with long term loss and binge eating disorder? I am currently down 75 lbs and I am no longer morbidly obese and I am training for my first half marathon. I lost my weight by doing paleo. I just can't do it anymore . It is expensive and it meant cooking multiple meals a day. Any advice for a newbie calorie counter? I am terrified this will make me gain.


  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    The system works for weight loss/maintenance if you follow it. There is a certain amount of willpower needed though. Stick to the calorie goal MFP gives you, weigh all your food and log accurately and you shouldn't gain. Eat less than you burn.

    I would say MFP overestimates exercise calories so unless you have an activity tracker like a Fitbit you're usually best only eating back half of the exercise calories it gives you.

    Also, check the entries you're using as some of the entries in the database are off.

    Otherwise - good luck and check out the stickies at the top of the forum for loads of awesome information. :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,133 Member
    Why don't you continue doing what you've been doing for another week or two. And just log it in MFP in addition to continue to do paleo.

    Then you will have a good baseline of what your coloric intake should be, and you can experiment with trying to incorporate less expensive food items
  • sarahalldrick
    sarahalldrick Posts: 2 Member
    Hi well done on your loss so far , I'm new to fitness pal so not much help to you , but what I will say for me by logging food seeing the calories it makes you very aware of why bad habits make you gain weight , what we ourselves do with that will determine if we lose , maintain or gain there is loads of info and support on this app , good luck on your journey give it a go xxx
  • DarkRedLipstick
    DarkRedLipstick Posts: 3 Member
    I do not have a food scale yet. I am not sure if I will get one yet or not. I will not be logging exercise or maybe only logging half. The smallest things can set me off on a binging spree. i think I am starting to learn that i am tbe kind of person who can't eat ONE of something. It will probably be better for me to avoid junk when possible. Im really grateful and surprised you guys responded so quickly. I really reAlly appreciate you all so much. Im less scared and more excited now. I will start logging tomorrow. Good luck to all of you as well. Im sure I will be posting a lot to ask questions.
    Congrats on losing 75 pounds! If you have the willpower and commitment to get this far, you can definately finish strong. It doesn't matter if you are just counting calories or using some special diet.

    Coming off of a Paleo diet, you might gain a few pounds water weight at first if you have been low carb and start incorporating carbs into your diet, but don't freak out, it's not fat. :) As long as you stay within your calorie range you won't gain 'real' weight. And I'm guessing you might get a bit more energy to run with too, so there's that to look forward to.

    As far as the binge eating disorder, IDK. For myself, I'm less likely to have disordered thoughts about food when I eat less food that makes my blood sugar spike. It is very difficult for me to eat one brownie and not eat the whole pan, so I just avoid them altogether. I definitely think it's a psychology + environmental combination. But many (maybe most?) people have more disordered behaviors/thoughts with food when they restrict themselves. You might find you become less likely to binge when you have free access to have a small amount of what you want. Either way, recognizing your struggle before you start is half the battle. :smile: