Walgreens Pedometer

Does seem accurate for the most part..I got one for free for doing my first 10K..so if it was cheap, i didn't have to worry about wasting money. It says 11,000 steps in an hour...seems off. I can understand maybe 4 miles, but 5? It took me nearly 2 hours to do a 10K..anyone else have this? Noticing any problems?


  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    Yeah that sounds rather off. Apple has a pedometer app and it logs me around 11K in 2 hours...maybe you should borrow a friend's for a few hours and see what it logs you?
  • emusingmom
    emusingmom Posts: 5 Member
    IF you have a SmartPhone, you could download a very accurate app. I use an Android phone with RunKeeper app (they have an iPhone version, too). You can set it for running, walking or biking and it will not only track your distance, but it will give you voice prompts at regular intervals so you know right away if you are changing pace. It tells you what your distance, time and average speed is. When you are finished, it shows you a complete summary, including calories burned. Oh.....and if that isn't cool enough - it has a built in GPS so that it will not only show you your analog summary, but it displays your route on a map! Very cool!
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    OHHHHH!!!! That sounds even better than the one I use now! And you said Apple has one too?! I think I might have a new fav workout buddyyy!