Hello everyone

Just joined here as sort of a motivation helper. Also to keep track of my progress and maybe learn something along the way. I am 28 years old, 6'3" and was a hefty 281 in Feb of 2010. Started watching what i ate more and started talking to a National Guard recruiter in June '10 and started running to lose enough weight to join the Army. Got down enough to join and swore in Aug '10. Went through basic training Nov '10 to May '11 and just got back last week. Now I am down to about 217 and need to keep up with the exercise. Anyway, I am looking for another 20 lbs to drop and to start toning up more so I guess we will see where my progress goes from here. Anyway thats my story, I hope to see some of you around running the track and at the gym :-)


  • newmercy4me
    newmercy4me Posts: 15
    First of all thank you for your service :smile:
    Secondly what a great attitude keep going a healthy lifestyle will when everytime over a number on the scale
  • ValGalNC
    ValGalNC Posts: 12
    Congrats on all your hard work!! And, thank you for your service to our fine country : ) Feel free to add me as a friend.....
    I'm sure you'll reach your goals in no time!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Congrats on your hard work! My son was in basics the same time frame (Ft. Jackson) and is just now settling into his school location. He looks incredible after basic training, and I'm sure your fitness level is amazing as well (although he was working from the opposite extreme- he put 40 pounds ON during basic!)

  • jesterx888
    jesterx888 Posts: 181
    Thats awesome. I was at Ft Jackson too for basic then Ft Leonard Wood for AIT. Im sure He loves it