Looking for buddy who is TTC and working on Weight Loss

Hi Everyone,

I've been struggling with my weight for the majority of my life. I've finally topped out at 205 lbs. and I'm ready to make some significant life changes so that I can start a family with my husband and create the foundation for a long, healthy life. Are there any ladies out there that are trying to conceive (TTC) and are focusing on weight loss to support fertility?

I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but I'll probably have to get tested in the next few months (we've been TTC for 10 months now). In the meantime, I'm hoping weight loss will help our chances of conceiving.

Here are my stats:

32 yrs old
SW: 205
CW: 205
GW: 160

I'd love to find some other buddies who are TTC to motivate, and be motivated by, as we go through this journey.




  • bahareh349
    bahareh349 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I am not TTC but a friend of mine lost some weight and she is now 6 months pregnant:) so, weight loss truly worked for her, I am losing weight for health purposes and we can be weight loss buddies if u want. Cheers!
  • weightsandmeasure
    weightsandmeasure Posts: 5 Member
    Hi bahareh, thanks for the encouragement! I've sent you a friend request.
  • silent_whisper86
    silent_whisper86 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there. I have got 4 year old daughter n we r trying to conceive for the last 2 year.had a miscarriage last year at 12 weeks.i was diagnosed with pcos a couple of months ago n I'm here to loose weight now. Lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks.too hard tbh. Need more friends here to get motivation :)
  • amberjean503
    amberjean503 Posts: 8 Member
    My dh and I have been ttc for about a year now with no luck, I'm over weight and think loosing eight will help significantly! I came here looking for a message buddy...?
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm sort of in that situation. Weight is not issue but I'm trying to maintain my health so I don't have another factor to deal with.

    Feel free to message me privately and if you'd like to share stories.
  • elenabeth86
    elenabeth86 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I'm in a very similar situation. I've struggles with weight forever, am at my highest now (190) and need to make some changes! My husband and I have been TTC for 9 months, my doctor thinks I have PCOS but I also haven't done testing yet. I know weight loss helps PCOS and will be a prerequisite for any fertility treatments if I end up needing them, so I welcome any friends who can help motivate me to stick to it!
  • alipski85
    alipski85 Posts: 6 Member
    My husband and I are TTC as well but I'm also trying to lose weight. I lost around 80 lbs. about 5 years ago and have gained half back. This has been a huge struggle for me the past few years. I have to religiously log even if it means logging more calories then I'm allowed. That's when it really puts things into perspective. I'm hoping to get more friends on here because motivation is a huge help for me! Good luck to you!
  • Chelslambert81615
    Im 33 an ttc my 1st if possible not sure if i can got to talk to my doc nov 24th until then trying to eat more healthy im hoping its a medication an getting more healthy fix i know i have a hormone Problem just going to do what i can to be healthy thats what im trying fir anyways