106 lbs to lose and I feel confident and determined!

Hi, my name is Nancy and I am looking to share this journey with others also working on losing...please send a friend request if you'd like to be friends. I know it helps when we cheer each other on! I am also dealing with chronic pain and fibromyalgia and am interested in connecting with others who have these conditions. Thanks for reading this!


  • Parkercomom
    Parkercomom Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome!! I don't have these conditions, but I would be happy to be your friend! I started MFP on March 18th with a goal to lose 100 lbs. I have lost 34 so far. You will find lots of great support here! You CAN do this!!
  • Tctr
    Tctr Posts: 24 Member
    You can do it! I did so anyone can. Just be honest with yourself and remember you're doing this for you.
  • BodyBalance4Joy
    BodyBalance4Joy Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement- it feels great! And congratulations on your success with losing - that's fantastic!
  • crystrusty
    crystrusty Posts: 18 Member
    I am also dealing with the same health problems... Also with a few others. I only want to lose 30lbs. I have found that water therapy has helped a lot.
  • BodyBalance4Joy
    BodyBalance4Joy Posts: 16 Member
    Glad to hear that water therapy is working for you. Do you mean exercising in the water? Or physical therapy in the water? I've done both and have really enjoyed them.