I need friends to help my stay accountable it would be so much easier! !

I have lost some weight since I've started. It's easy to hit the gym n workout but it's not so easy not eating everything I see lol..... But this time I'm not giving up. I bought 2 dresses that I will fit in by the end of this year that's my goal. I'm need to lose 40 lbs.


  • jusme662
    jusme662 Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it... Replace the unhealthy stuff for healthier stuff, it's a process but you can get acclimated..
  • piscean15
    piscean15 Posts: 1 Member
    All the very best! Be goal oriented.. It's easy to lose focus.. My fitness pal is a great help.. It makes you of so accountable.. Which we wouldn't be otherwise
  • TeresaNewsome
    TeresaNewsome Posts: 9 Member
    I feel you, this too is my problem! I'm a snacker so what I have been doing lately is stocking the fridge with tangerines and oranges. This works for me, so I hope it helps you. (Those two fruits are the only ones that can fulfill my sweet cravings)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Take it one day at a time. You'll do it as long as you are determined! I have a dress as well that I will fit into into sooner or later. When I first bought it, I couldn't pull it up past my thighs. Then I could, but couldn't even start to zip it. Then, with my daughter's help, we could get it zipped about halfway up. Then, with my daughter's help, we could zip it all the way up. Last time I tried it on, I could zip it up without my daughter's help. Of course I look like a stuffed sausage in it, as it's still way too small, but another six or eight pounds, and I've got it! Best of luck to you!
  • Teanei
    Teanei Posts: 21 Member
    Just stay committed you'll make it. I wish you well.
  • Louk1965
    Louk1965 Posts: 3 Member
    I too need support. I lose the weight and then go back to old ways and regain it all back. I'm tired of the cycle. Want to figure this out once and forever:) add me to you groups please so I can have support and be accountable. 5'5" 172lb and want to be 130!
  • i_miss_me
    i_miss_me Posts: 24 Member
    Louk49 wrote: »
    I too need support. I lose the weight and then go back to old ways and regain it all back. I'm tired of the cycle. Want to figure this out once and forever:) add me to you groups please so I can have support and be accountable. 5'5" 172lb and want to be 130!

    Add me. :-) I'm in the same boat. I'm tired of the ups & downs & want someone seriously motivated to keep me motivated. So far I've lost 30, still have about 70 to go. I'm 5'3, trying to get down to 130-ish.
  • americanhoneygirl
    americanhoneygirl Posts: 1 Member
    U can do it just take it one day at a time
  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    I'm in the same boat. i had my son and it was all downhill (although it's been getting better) i'm 160 looking to be 125ish. I'm 5'2"
  • zzk0485
    zzk0485 Posts: 51 Member
    You can do it! The dresses should be great motivation. I would put them in the kitchen so when you go get food you'll be reminded! I printed out a bunch of motivational quotes that I'm going to hang all around the house, hopefully it'll help. Good luck to you!!
  • momthenurse
    momthenurse Posts: 38 Member
    Me, too! Add me :-) I'm trying to get myself back on the right track. So far so good.