JM Slimdown challenge



  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Day 9-Level 2...It really sucked today. I was doing level 3 before i started the challenge and Level 1 was getting easy, but today Level 2 kicked my rear. I thought my knees were getting stronger and that's why I wasn't having much pain with them, but they have been killing me all day. Hopefully they are just sore. I wouldn't have thought it, but I'm actually looking forward to NMTZ in the morning. Food wise, the day was a bust. Going away party at work for a coworker put a major kink in my calories today. Start fresh in the morning.

    Did i fall a day behind somehow... i'm on 30 day shred level 2 today.... maybe something happened while i was taking cough & flu meds??? :)

    We all have those days will be a better day for you foodwise, don't beat your self up about it, just get back on track!
    As for the leg pain, i'm there too right it or soak in a nice hot bathtub....take care of you! If it's not better soon, maybe you should take a day of rest....
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 10-NMTZ Was a good day all around. I think my knees were just sore from using them differently. I feel much better today. Here's to Level 2 tomorrow. Already not looking forward to Boost on Friday.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    LOVED my workout today!!! :)
    Trouble zones always makes me feel so strong!!

    Have a healthy day everyone!! :)
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 11-Level 2 So much better than two days ago. Boost is in the morning and I'm gonna have to psych myself up for that one. Ughh!
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    so, just curious...what is your favorite exercise in the JM videos & what is your least favorite?

    I hate, hate, hate supermans!!! One of my least favorite all time exercises!! I can do them, & i know that they are effective, but i hate them!
    I also hate windshield wipers and i really struggle being able to do them!

    My favorite all time exercise are deadlifts, i wish there were more in these vids because they are such an amazing body shaper! I also raelly the the standing ab moves where you have to kick your hands... :)
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    so, just curious...what is your favorite exercise in the JM videos & what is your least favorite?

    I hate, hate, hate supermans!!! One of my least favorite all time exercises!! I can do them, & i know that they are effective, but i hate them!
    I also hate windshield wipers and i really struggle being able to do them!

    My favorite all time exercise are deadlifts, i wish there were more in these vids because they are such an amazing body shaper! I also raelly the the standing ab moves where you have to kick your hands... :)

    I really hate mountain climbers and surrenders. Like you said, I can do them, but I hate it the whole time. I'm finding that i really enjoy the last two circuits on the mat in NMTZ the best.
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Day 12 Boost--Easier than last week's Boost, but I still dread it. Sure was hard to get out of bed this morning with that to look forward to. I always feel really good after throughout the entire day after getting my heart pumping good first thing in the morning with this workout.
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Yesterday was Day 15/Level 1 & NMTZ--Made it through without having to modify, but it sure was killer.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Yesterday was Day 15/Level 1 & NMTZ--Made it through without having to modify, but it sure was killer.

    That's me tomorrow.... Ack! I'm dreading it...
    Today was supposed to be my day off but I did boost instead because I took Monday off....
    Good job today!!