YoYo Weight Loss

Reflecting over the past 10+ years I have realized that I have lost and gained the same 60 lbs....unlike other years I am finding it extremely difficult to loose it again (and to stay motivated), I don't eat great but I have always been active so I find the advice a lot of places give about being more active to not be helpful. I am now at the point where I feel like I just wont be able to get this weight off and that the road ahead is so long (so much longer then before).


  • Anna_Sta
    Anna_Sta Posts: 22 Member
    Hey lovely!

    Weight loss happens in only one way, and it has always been that way: Burn more calories than you consume. Whether the food is healthy, or whether the food is the baddest of them all, it's all calories. The difference is that healthy food will keep you more satiated. And no, healthy food does not have to be salads! It can be meat with potatoes and vegetables or a side salad. The most important thing is how much dressing you put in there, the oils your use to cook etc, those little sneaky calories that can end up adding up to 300-400 more calories per day!

    It's important to have a fit lifestyle, even if your work involves sitting at a desk, you can go to the gym in the evenings/ mornings, or go for a walk during your lunch break, or make that extra effort to walk to and from work if you don't live too far away from it. It's all these little changes that truly make a stable change.
    Yo yo dieting usually happens because of... diets. The specific diet labels that are given to us around the social media (detox tea, weight watchers, etc etc). You need to allow yourself all food groups, whether they are bad or good, but you need to keep in mind the calorie limit you have been given. Eventually, your stomach and body adjusts to those energy sources, and you don't even have to count calories anymore.

    You don't have to destroy yourself over cardio or too much exercise. You need to find your balance and what works for you.