Back yet again.

nicalexx Posts: 26 Member
Ever have that oh crap moment...yea that's where I'm at. The time you look in the mirror and are just no longer happy with what you see. Bingo. I have done this a couple times with a lot of success but once again I am back and hoping to keep it off for good. I'm looking for any new friends to help keep my butt in gear and motivate me, I will do the same. I am a newly wed and would like to be the best I can not only for me but my new husband. Thanks!



  • MariaDuic
    MariaDuic Posts: 15 Member
    I've been there so many times! I am finally at a point where I've learned how to keep it off. I will send you a friend request! and feel free to add me on facebook as well.
  • NR81206
    NR81206 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm there!! Last year I went from 195lbs to 159.. I stopped working out around September because I went back to work, today I stepped on the scale and weighed 170lbs and thought oh crap! That's not the direction I need to be heading.. So here I go again! Best of luck to y'all
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome back. We have all done the stop and start thing. I have lost 177 lbs and am feeling more determined than ever. Anyone can feel free to add me.