New to the community

Hey everyone, hope you're having a happy healthy day! I'm new the the community and looking for friends to support and motivate each other..... add me and let's do this together!


  • Parvhiz
    Parvhiz Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me for motivation and support.
  • MeAgain2011
    MeAgain2011 Posts: 66 Member
    You can add me!
  • godgavemeamiracle1
    godgavemeamiracle1 Posts: 5 Member
    you can add me.
  • hippytee
    hippytee Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome feel free to add me too
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP! This is a great place to begin your new and healthy journey. Feel free to check out my profile and add me as a friend if you like. I have been on here a few years and have to say that this really can make a huge difference in your life if want it to! Its a good idea to set some goals and find what motivates you, add some good friends in for support and inspiration and you have a successful combination to achieve your goals.

    All the best and good luck on your journey!