Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • gtorres9907
    gtorres9907 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me I'm looking for motivating friends..
  • zachduden
    zachduden Posts: 264 Member
  • RockyBarna
    RockyBarna Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! I've been working out consistently most of my life, strength training and body building, but developed some kidney issues and hypertension this year...bummer! I assume that it's probably from consuming too much protein for so many years. So, I'm changing my workout routine and I'm going to drop 45 lbs. in an effort to get off the BP meds. I love the way the app forces me to calculate every meal. I've actually changed my mind about what I planned to eat when I saw how many calories it would be. I lost 6 lbs my first week...I'm pretty motivated to make this change and see where I end up. Best of luck to you all, with your personal goals! Add me if you'd like!
  • dotpet
    dotpet Posts: 11 Member
    I need friends!
  • thewizard59
    thewizard59 Posts: 10 Member
    New friends are always welcome. Have a great day
  • kurritoburrito
    kurritoburrito Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • aereiners
    aereiners Posts: 1 Member
    Looking to add friends! Need some more people to follow :)
  • lxsaps
    lxsaps Posts: 181 Member
    I'm new and I need support from friends.
  • zhope123
    zhope123 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new and looking for friends to keep me motivated. :)
  • cinnamonnek
    cinnamonnek Posts: 31 Member
    Need friends and support too!
  • vm12345
    vm12345 Posts: 1 Member
    I want some friends!!!
  • jspeers1991
    jspeers1991 Posts: 5 Member
    I definitely could use some more motivation to keep me going! Feel free to add me!
  • cheryl2926
    cheryl2926 Posts: 36 Member
    HI - looking for a weight loss support system

    Okay I am in need of a support and accountability buddy. I have 25 plus pounds to lose and it aint gonna be easy. So if you need an occasional laugh and / or kick in the pants then friend me... o ya but only if you are willing to hold me to it too

    let me know,
  • Kandnotsad
    Kandnotsad Posts: 3 Member
  • Kaldea
    Kaldea Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I'm an American living in Sweden who has Crohn's Disease and have been trying to get my health in order. I am 60 lbs into a 90lb total goal and am looking to slowly start switching over to maintenance/strength training.

    I have a shiba inu, I love going to raves and graphic design, and I am on here every day. Be my friend and I will do what I can to support you on here!
  • Sewjodie1
    Sewjodie1 Posts: 10 Member
    Please add me , I've been on here now for 36 days straight. Lost 10lb in 6 weeks. looking for helpful and inspiring friends. :)
  • Jessplayssynth
    Jessplayssynth Posts: 5 Member
    Hey add me :)
  • Golda5775
    Golda5775 Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 2015
  • jcorpuz76
    jcorpuz76 Posts: 50 Member
    Friends please
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    53 year male active in fitness but not so good in nutrition. I love seeing what people do to workout and will support. If you can relate, please add.