4'10 and over200lbs help

My name is Heather I am happily married for 21yrs no kids cold never have any as a teenager I could whatever whenever I wanted cause I was always walking but then I hot married hot to working and stopped the walking and what not then all of the sudden I was huge keep in mind I am only 4'10 I was diagnosed with PCOS poly cystic ovarian syndrome which is y I couldn't have kids then it turned in to ovarian cancer j had a full hysterectomy and radiation am cancer free for almost 2 years now I am ready to get healthy and feel good again need to lose 100 pounds I just turned 40 and want to live to see my nieces and nephews grow up o and I'm addicted to Pepsi what I need is someone to help me with that also


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I am 5ft I know how hard it is too carry extra weight on a small frame. I once drank a two liter bottle of coke daily...so I know how hard that is to quit...but if I did it you can do it. Walk walk walk..log log log. You can do this!
  • keeblerelf40
    keeblerelf40 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks I appreciate that I have been exercising as much as I can I have only been in this diet ( life style change) for 3 days and still been drinking one soda a day and I hear ya if I don't watch myself I can drink a 2liter at a time as well I love Pepsi so much I collect Pepsi stuff
  • amargautam
    amargautam Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know if this is going to help you, but you can follow my ketogenic experiment here - https://amargautam.com/ketogenic/
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Thanks I appreciate that I have been exercising as much as I can I have only been in this diet ( life style change) for 3 days and still been drinking one soda a day and I hear ya if I don't watch myself I can drink a 2liter at a time as well I love Pepsi so much I collect Pepsi stuff

    I love caffeine and used to drink a lot of regular soda. I have nothing against sugar. However if moderation is a problem for you then perhaps switching to diet soda would help.

    Consuming a 2 liter bottle of regular soda a day will make it harder to hit your macro targets and still stay under your calorie goal.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I was a coca cola addict for years and slowly weaned myself off of them. I first stopped buying them for the house. Then I limited it to just one can per day and then to just twice a week. Eventually I cut it out completely and didn't look back. Three months into it I finally don't even crave it anymore. I can now go out to dinner or a movie and I don't have to have a coke. But it did take time.
    My recommendation is try add limit it to just one can a day. Don't have 2 liter bottles in the house....just the 12oz cans. Or only get the small drink at restaurants...and no refills. I see you are trying to do the 1200 calorie goal. I would bump it up to include the calories of that one can. Don't let the Pepsi eat into your food calories. It's already difficult enough to get the proper nutrition your body needs with just 1200 calories. You probably set your goal to lose 2 pounds per week. So maybe you do a pound and a half for a little bit. Once you finally cut them out...trust me the cravings do go away. Be patient. Take it one day at a time. Some things are just hard to do in moderation and you have to cut them cold turkey. Usually if you can get past day 4 it's not so bad. You can do this.
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    The 1200 calorie goal is a little low for someone of your size and weight. I'm 5'2 and 205 and my goals are set at 1320, you're shorter and around the same weight (i'm guessing) so you could definitely eat more. I wasn't completely addicted to soda, but I do like my fair share. I work third shift so caffeine is a must. I limit it to 2-3 sodas a week. I keep diet coke handy, just in case I get that craving. Good luck on your journey. Remember if you can fit a bit of soda into your macros than go ahead and enjoy it. Feel free to add me if you're looking for more support.
  • keeblerelf40
    keeblerelf40 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys last night was real bad I ate like over my limit it was some negative 235 I think then went and got a chocolate milkshake and another Pepsi and piged out why am I so weak I hate being and feeling and looking like this and fighting with the hubby don't help that isn't why I pigged out I felt u
    Hungry at first so I ate then I was just frustrated and mad at myself so I ate again now I wanting to go get a Pepsi really really really bad
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Thanks guys last night was real bad I ate like over my limit it was some negative 235 I think then went and got a chocolate milkshake and another Pepsi and piged out why am I so weak I hate being and feeling and looking like this and fighting with the hubby don't help that isn't why I pigged out I felt u
    Hungry at first so I ate then I was just frustrated and mad at myself so I ate again now I wanting to go get a Pepsi really really really bad
    Today is a new day! Good luck! :)