Giving it a try

I recently hit my all time biggest. I am 34, with 2 children under the age of 12... I need to set a better example for my girls. I want to look better and feel better for myself, but I really want to live longer for them! Just gotta do this thing!!


  • too_fat_to_fail
    too_fat_to_fail Posts: 4 Member
    I just added you. I just started as well, with about 50 pounds to lose. We've got this!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    "Do or do not....there is no try".

  • melissa_dupre
    melissa_dupre Posts: 3 Member
    Too_fat_to_fail, I Have at least 50 lbs to loose too. My first goal is 33 lbs, then from that... The sky is the limit
  • MeAgain2011
    MeAgain2011 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in a very similar boat. Add me and let's get going!
  • angie2bfit
    angie2bfit Posts: 4 Member
    Same I'm 34. Mum of 3 and need some encouragement along the way. I have about 34 left to lose. Lost about 8 so far. Would you add me to help each other? I'm in new Zealand so its winter here.
  • Annamarierees44
    Annamarierees44 Posts: 2 Member
    hi all trying this myself as need to fit into my clothes without feeling like im bulging out around stomach dont know how to add but feel free to add me if you know how need all the help and kick up the backside i can get lol p.s good luck
  • philc923
    philc923 Posts: 8 Member
    Started weight loss journey about 4 months ago, my fitness about 50 days ago with the calorie recording but just started with the community side to get some additional encouragement and inspiration! Hopefully we can help each other along the way! Good luck!