Binge eating disorder

Need some advice, I have binge eating disorder. I am taking steps to lose weight. But when I am anxious, I eat. It's an endless cycle I can't seem to get off from. GP has been next to useless. Advice would be great


  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Can't help you. I get to a goal weight and binge for the next few days. I'm looking for some insight too.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    Try reading "brain over binge" by Kathryn Hansen it's really helpful in clarifying why you physically develop the urge to binge and why you continue to do so. Take what she says with a grain of salt of course. But it can't hurt and she does provide some solid info.
  • Achaila
    Achaila Posts: 264 Member
    I have struggled with bulimia since I was 15. I'm now 1 month from being 26. Bulimia Is classified as a binge eating disorder. I've been in therapy, inpatient and outpatient, for 8 years and have just achieved remission. Meaning that I am not recovered but my symptoms are not currently running my life. You have to get help from a professional. The sooner the better. They will tell you what they told me- getting to the root of the problem and taking care of your mental health will come before weight loss.
  • TheLittleGingerDoesWeightLoss
    I have found that I needed to isolate why I binged.

    As tired as it sounds, you should probably grab a journal and just observe yourself. When do I binge and why? I second Achaila that "taking care of your mental health will come before weight loss." Try as you might, if your brain ain't backing you up then you got slim to no chances on getting to where you wanna be.

    I had to take a long time to study myself. I never had life-changing experiences like some people that caused them to gain weight. So what was the core of my issues? I always felt self-conscious about my weight and that had a domino effect. "Oh god, I'm gonna meet this hot guy for a date and he isn't gonna like me because I don't look such and such way!" Guess where I ended up? The pantry! That makes no sense. But I'm recognizing my appearance shakes my confidence. I identified the problem! I may fall off the wagon, but I've got a plan of attack and I feel more confident about following through than ever.
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    I have body dysmorphia disorder and have been in remission for quite some time now but it took alot of strength (mentally and physically) to get me here. I suggest keeping a journal of when you start feeling the urge to binge, write down any thoughts (neg. Or pos) that come into your mind. Fond a good counselor and support group. You have to really be prepared mentally to overcome. I don't think any of us truly ever recover from our disorders its a constant remission every day we wake up and take it on. Good luck to you! *hugs*
  • Mgonza55
    Mgonza55 Posts: 14 Member
    I have not been "diagnosed" with this disorder, but if any doctor were to watch my eating habits for a few days they would totally agree that I too have problems with binge eating. I never really paid it any mind until I gained 20 pounds in a yr (I am convinced it was caused by binge eating). In order to deal with this I have started Intermittent Fasting (16 hours fasting, 8 hours fed). Add me so we can support each other!