What's your biggest challenge in losing weight?



  • interrobanger
    interrobanger Posts: 13 Member
    My own mind. The fragility of my own willpower. The waiting. Yeah I get hella excited when the scale tells me one morning that I lost a pound, but eventually that high wears off and I find myself wondering about the grand scheme of things, and how far away my goal really is.

    It's daunting and it distracts me from the very real progress I have made, and will continue to make over whichever period of time. It's just my own *kitten* mind trying to squick me out.

    The weight loss process can really be a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows, but I have to remember to take it day by day, because otherwise I will give up on the whole thing again.
  • hotnumber
    hotnumber Posts: 222 Member
    Bingeing on sweets and cupcakes when I am stressed. I fell off the wagon for about 2 weeks and gained back 7lbs, but I understand that these things happen and not letting this setback ruin my progress
  • VandyGear03
    VandyGear03 Posts: 7 Member
    Resentment. I resent that I have to log everything I eat for the rest of my life if I want to maintain my weight. I've done this cycle three times before, lost the weight, stopped logging, maintained for a year or two, and then something happened (marriage, being unemployed, having a baby) that had me eating my feelings and piling on weight. Each time, I would delay and delay starting to count because I freaking RESENT the fact that my brain and body can't just moderate themselves. Why can some people just eat when they're hungry and I can't? Why do I eat when I'm emotional and others don't? It's ridiculous to fight a simple fact of nature, but it still makes me flipping angry.

    Which makes me want to eat. Sigh.
  • AngelAnnihilate
    AngelAnnihilate Posts: 26 Member
    Staying committed, pushing myself out the door is the hardest part :P that and trying to eat healthy
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    For me, it was seeing it as a lifestyle change and not just a 'diet'.
    To stay where I wanted I made a lot of changes to habits and as I think everybody knows - old habits die hard!
  • JRitaK
    JRitaK Posts: 62 Member
    It is always going out to eat. Always. And eating at a friends house. I just don't have the control. So I can totally relate.
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    My mind.

    I choose what I eat, how much I eat I choose to not exercise or to go a little further. The struggle is all in my head. The voice of "later", the voice of "justification," the voice of "I can't", are all in my mind. I can choose to listen to them or I can choose listen to the voice cheering me on and telling me I can and will because I'm worth it.