47 and around 75pounds to lose

I am finding it a lot harder to lose the weight than when I was younger! It has really snuck up on me in recent years due to my sedentary lifestyle. I've got a ways to go, and so I am starting with the goal of getting to under 200 pounds by fall. Looking for similar friends to motivate!

My goal is to strength train 3x a week and get in 250 minutes of cardio/week. I am also counting steps in order to try to up my general activity. For my food intake I am aiming at base calories at 1650 and allowing the daily allotment to adjust with exercise. I am also trying to get in more protein daily and less fat and carbs.


  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 43 and struggling too. Want to lose about 78lbs. I do some car
  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    dio but not strength training yet. Add me if you like, you can inspire me :) x
  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    Lol sorry bout that! :smiley:
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    You seem to have a great plan. Good luck to you! :)
  • ProudVetMom
    ProudVetMom Posts: 12 Member
    I started here 11 days ago. This website is a great motivational tool as well as it makes it easy to track calories. I am 42 and have a total weight loss goal of 63 pounds from 213 to 150. I am at 206. I am currently in the Move Program through the VA that gives tips on weight loss, but will have to stop the program when Fall semester starts. I have Crohn's disease which causes a lot of dietary problems and health problems that severely limit exercise. So currently I am only watching caloric intake. Watching what you eat will drop a lot of weight, but it definitely takes longer. You have a great plan indeed. Do not get discouraged if you do not stick to it. I found that small changes one at a time and always modifying your goals keeps you more on track. If you drink soda or sweet tea stop or switch to a diet zero calorie version if you are comfortable in doing so. Most people lose about 20 pounds the first month alone from cutting them out. I lost 25 four years ago. I have sense gained back the weight due to my health issues so I am here to kick some butt! (or maybe the fat on my butt lol)
  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 42 and working my way down from 218 to 145-150. I did this a few years ago with great success, so I'm back. Sounds like you have an excellent plan!If you're looking for support, fee free to add me!
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    Im 43. I havent done strength since college. I guess its something I should get into.
  • hippytee
    hippytee Posts: 249 Member
    47 does strength training , add if you 'd like B
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    Does the strength training slow the weight loss process?
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    Nice plan. Be careful of eating back exercise calories -- give yourself a 200 calorie window and eat within it everyday. I'm 53 and workout 6 days and am here daily. Feel free to add me. And to bago08n -- strength training does not slow weight loss. :)
  • BlakelyFaye
    BlakelyFaye Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for all the comments everyone. :)