Can someone look at my food diary?

tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
I just made it public. I am getting stressed with the amt of sodium and cholesterol in my diet. My blood pressure is up a bit..not tot he point of needing medication, but it's gone up do to not eating right and gaining weight. So I am really trying to watch what I eat, although I still have a loooong way to go in learning...just started 2 wks ago. Anyway, I have only had breakfast so far and I am already done with the amt of cholesterol I can have for the day.

I'm a vegetarian so please don't tell me to add meat to my diet...:-) I think I'm doing pretty good with the amt of protein I'm getting though.

And I know I need to add more fruits to my diet too. Working on that as well as adding veggies....

Thanks for looking and making suggestions....I am open to all kinds.


  • ashleyxnicole89
    ashleyxnicole89 Posts: 38 Member
    Use corn tortillas, I have some that are sodium free. Stay away from sports drinks, like gatorade. I didn't search through your diary, but anything canned has way more sodium than frozen or fresh. When using canned Items, choose low sodium. You can always add sea salt later. I'm not a vegetarian, but lately you'd think I am. I'm cutting back on meat a lot. Also instead of using lots of spices, try grilling your veggies, it adds great flavor!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    You eat the same thing I do in the morning! LOVE IT! Ok, here is the skinny on eggs and cholesterol....It has such high concentration of it that your body can't absorb basically, don't worry about the egg it won't hurt you. NOW...your whey protein, that might hurt you. I am actually moving to a soy based protein shake when my tub of whey is done because it has less cholesterol. Sodium....I am still working on that myself. Sorry.
  • Vkoons3
    Vkoons3 Posts: 122 Member
    Just by looking at your breakfast today you could try getting egg beaters instead of eggs and that will really help on the cholesterol.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    remember that 300 for cholesteral is the GDA - you are only every slightly over that - its not like your on 600 a day is it - egg yolks are bad for it but its better than filling up on sugards from chocolate

    i only took a quick look back at a few days but there seems to be maybe 2 or 3 items in your dairies that are higher in sodium than everything else - are there any lower sodium options? or a way of maybe taking a wee bit off the portion of those items?

    i instantly went for weight watchers and tesco ligher choices foods, but realised that some of them are worse than 'standard' foods.... always worth a label read

    dont let it stress you out -if you are losing weight, even if its only 05lbs a week, its a loss :o)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Your main problem is that all your foods are canned or processed, you need to cut down on that and you should be good. That's where your sodium is coming from. sodium needs to be around 1500mg daily. You need to revamp you menu, and try and eat more natural foods.

    Also, cut down on the amount of cheese you eat daily, that should help with your cholesterol.

    You already know what you need to do in terms of need more veggies as well.

  • laceylovespink
    i'm no expert but just by observation I would bet anything that if you cut that flour tortilla and stick to no more than 1200 cals you would see a difference right away...and I noticed some lunch it possible to have smaller meals all through the day instead of two big ones?? Looking forward to seeing what everyone else says too :) Also, I agree on the shake..when I tried that kind I blew up like a balloon.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You eat a lot of cheese, get cheese from the deli instead of pre-packaged. Look for lower sodium bread, ezekial is one frozen brand.
  • fredd500
    fredd500 Posts: 106 Member
    Disclaimer: I am no nutritionist...

    Looks to me like you are eating too much processed food. Much of your sodium is coming from the Kraft Cheese Slices (280mg per slice!) and the Chicken Nuggets a couple of days ago didn't help.

    Being a vegetarian, I suspect you eat quite a lot of cheese, try and substitute the processed cheese for more natural cheese.

    Salt is added to processed foods to increase their taste but good fresh food doesn't need it.

    The danger with too much sodium is increased blood pressure (as you are finding) and also bloating - your body absorbs water to try and flush it out - this can lead to temporary weight gains.

  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Try and stay away from frozen or canned foods. Maybe try encorporating yogurt (preferably Greek for the protein) into your diet, maybe instead of the chips/goldfish. Also, I'm a HUGE fan of salads with LOTS of veggies and my staple meal...grilled veggies over brown rice.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Whole eggs contain cholesterol. Have you tried eating egg whites? Maybe scrambled tofu in the place of eggs (using tumeric to turn it the same yellow color as eggs that you're used to)? Add some fresh veggies that have been sauteed and some canned no-salt added beans and you've got a hearty breakfast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Maybe switch some of the cheese out for lower sodium protiens like unsalted nuts, or switch to low sodium cheese. Also you could switch to canned beans with no/low salt added and that would help, or cooking your own beans from dry (time consuming, I know!) would allow you to control the sodium. If you are rinsing the canned beans before eating then you aren't really getting as much sodium as the can says anyway. If you aren't rinsing them, why not start?
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    anything canned has way more sodium than frozen or fresh. When using canned Items, choose low sodium. You can always add sea salt later.

    I was going to say the same thing. When looking at your diary the processed foodsare the highest in sodium, like the cheese and tortillas. Someone said corn tortillas. There are so many different opinions on eggs. I usually use one whole egg and then add egg whites and scramble them. It tastes way better than just egg whites alone and cuts down on the cholesterol too. I have just begun to read labels. Most of the time if it has something I can't pronounce I put it back on the shelf. A good friend of mine suggested sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store when shopping as the isles are filled with processed prepackaged junk....except peanut butter..yum
  • laceylovespink
    also, are you working out?? Gotta get the cardio and strength training in :)
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I was having a problem with my sodium too. My culprit was processed cheese and deli meats (obviously you don't have a problem with deli meat). But, my suggestion would be to try a different kind of cheese. I switched to Sargento or Great Value sliced cheddar, provolone, and pepperjack. They all have less sodium than processed Kraft singles. Also, try to find a lower sodium version of tortillas or bread.

    Have you tried smoothies? They are a great way to get extra fruits in. Try this: 2cups spinach, 3/4 cup liquid (juice, milk, or water - watch the sugar in the juice. I use diet ocean spray), 1 cup frozen fruit (strawberries are great) and 1 piece of fresh fruit (bananas or pears are great). Blend liquid and spinach, then add fruit and blend again. You can add yogurt if you eat it, I usually add sugar free vanilla syrup.
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    You eat a lot of cheese, get cheese from the deli instead of pre-packaged. Look for lower sodium bread, ezekial is one frozen brand.

    Totally agree with Foxxy about Ezekiel. Their "low sodium" bread has no sodium and you can find it in the freezer section of most grocery stores. I would also buy dry beans and make your own in a crock pot without adding an extra salt. As far as cheese, Sargento makes several of theirs in low sodium varieties. Maybe you can swap that for the overly processed Kraft Singles.
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    Yes, I definately need to cut down on my cheese. I used to eat way more before I started here!!! I have only lost 1 lb in 2 weeks so I am obviously doing something wrong.

    Will try the corn tortillas too. I do like egg whites but I thought since the egg yolk had some good nutrients I would have one of each.

    And yes, I am working out. Doing 30 min cardio and 20 min strength training at least 5 days a week.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I agree with the PP's. I see lots of processed foods and those are always higher in sodium. And I thought I saw chicken nuggets too (maybe I read that wrong)?? Use fresh veggies and lots of them! It's not hard to make beans from dried beans...just takes planning. Kraft singles aren't real cheese. Mix it up...don't get stuck on the "diet" foods because this is a lifestyle change that you need maintain for much longer than just the time needed to lose the weight.
  • shanahananna
    shanahananna Posts: 3 Member
    think the cheese might be a problem. Try to have some homemade soup without adding salt. Its a great filler. Also more salad in your diet might help too. Bread rather than crackers might be an option. Hope it helps!
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    Ok I get it....everyone is telling me to cut the cheese....:laugh: :tongue:
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    well, i think it really comes down to better planning & shopping.
    your breakfasts are great! but i would cut back on the cheeses. i would also find a lower calorie bread.
    sara lee honey wheat is 45 calories a slice. 90 calories for 2 slices is better than the 200 calories your doing now.
    stay away from boxed, packaged, or canned goods as much as possible. that will help alot.
    go for frozen veggies. its great steamed. the more veggies the better!!
    skip the processed, skin on & breaded chicken nuggets & have grilled or baked skinless chicken instead. or grilled or baked fish is yummy too!! there is so much you can do with it, with seasonings & coatings without the carbs of breading.
    example: gortons grilled tilapia & 1 cup of steamed veggies is under 200 calories!
    hint: watch the frozen chicken, some brands use more sodium water when they freeze it. READ THE LABELS!!!
    for snacks if your bored with just fruit go for a granola bar. fiber one has some 90 calories ones that are delishious. or my favorite is quaker chocolate crunch rice cakes (tastes like cocoa puffs cereal). or my all time fav is air popped popcorn! with the calories you save during the day , you can have salt & butter in it!
    oh butter... find a butter/oil blend its great & its only 50-90 calories a tablespoon. skip the margerines, they are so unhealthy & fake tasting. blah!
    dont skip meals, you feel really hungry & over eat. just plan more wisely. maybe break down you meals & plan for 300 calories each meal & 3 snacks of 100 calories a day. all total it would equal 1200 calories. or whatever you calories are set at.
    & DONT FORGET THE WATER. FLUSH, FLUSH, FLUSH WITH WATER!!! it will help rid the sodium out of your body.
    & remember if your still hungry, exercise. you get more to eat the more you work out!
    all my best, good luck & welcome to your new journey of healthy living. your not alone friend. :smile: