What Motivates You Wednesday

Hey everyone; Let's talk about the things keeping us motivated. Non-scale victories, big and small!
Yesterday I decided to go bathing suit shopping *shudders*. I have 50+ lbs to lose, but the bathing suit I have is 5 years or more old and it was time for a new one. Normally I would wait until I have lost some weight before shopping for something like that. Anyway you can imagine how unbelievably depressing shopping for a bathing suit is when you have as much weight to lose as I do. This made me want to turn to my drug of choice....junk food. The last place I went looking for a bathing suit I happened to notice a little something while changing. It appears I may be getting some muscle definition in my shoulder area!! I have never been one to care really what my shoulders look like and I definitely hate working my shoulders on strength training days, but this little bit of definition in my shoulders really inspired me! Now, you guys might not be able to see it...but I do so I wanted to share anyway =) If I can see it now, maybe everyone else will see it in a few more weeks?! How does that saying go? It takes you 4 weeks to notice a change and everyone else 8 weeks? Well, I have been doing the Jamie Eason Live Fit trainer and I just started week 5 on Monday. I have noticed increased strength, but as far as muscles go my shoulders are really the only place I can actually see a difference. I feel like this is because I haven't been complying nutritionally and only just this week really started trying to pay attention to my eating/macros/calories. I couldn't handle starting a new exercise routine and trying to eat completely different at the same exact time, it was too much too soon. So anyway, now I am trying to bring it all together a little at a time.
Seeing the shoulder definition yesterday in that depressing dressing room made me feel a little better and made me want to press on and continue the journey!!!!

What is motivating you this Wednesday?!



  • lucyholdcroft363
    lucyholdcroft363 Posts: 124 Member
    After a long battle with anorexia nervosa, which was swiftly followed by binge eating and depression causing me to be overweight, I decided I was done. Done with the fad diets, starving myself, overworking myself, crying. I decided that fitness and health was my goal, and a lifestyle that I wanted. I have now engaged in no disordered behaviours since last November (an extremely long time for me), I am happier, I love exercise and socialising and feeling good about myself. I love the definition of my abdominals and the challenge of lifting weights. I am motivated because this lifestyle just makes me a better person, and I never want to give it up.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    @lucyholdcroft363 - That is fantastic to hear about your progress since November, you will be at the 1 year mark in no time. Awesome post!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's a holiday in Canada today...and my "technical" rest day from exercise...but since I want to be able to enjoy my day off and celebrate Canada day I went for a 5 mile walk...it started off so I could eat more...but it ended with me be less stressed, feeling great and out in nature noticing all the flowers and smells that the trail I walked had to offer.
  • KimC1019
    KimC1019 Posts: 2 Member
    Small victories are the way to see big victories! Enjoy life, but live with an eye on your future goals.
    I have a friend and we text each other each day to encourage and motivate each other to workout.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    I like PR's in the weight room, because they are tangible evidence. That motivates me.

    Wanting to rid myself of man-boobs motivates me, to a lesser extent.

    To the OP: I, too, notice changes in my physique over time (shoulders, especially trap definition, where I had none before; yay deadlifts). Unfortunately, there's still such a high percentage of fat on my body that I tend to focus on that when standing in front of the mirror, and that's depression. So... I try not to mirror much.
  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    Not being a fat dad who can't play with his kids. All the motivation I need.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    I like PR's in the weight room, because they are tangible evidence. That motivates me.

    Wanting to rid myself of man-boobs motivates me, to a lesser extent.

    To the OP: I, too, notice changes in my physique over time (shoulders, especially trap definition, where I had none before; yay deadlifts). Unfortunately, there's still such a high percentage of fat on my body that I tend to focus on that when standing in front of the mirror, and that's depression. So... I try not to mirror much.

    I couldn't agree more with you. I am still so much overweight that I tend to only notice how heavy I feel during cardio, how tight my clothes feel all the time, how much weight I am not losing, how I would DEFINITELY see more muscle if it wasn't for all the fat that is covering them. However, it was so highly motivating seeing just this barely there muscle definition that I became immediately rejuvenated for continuing.

    Great posts, everyone!!!
  • rmitchell239
    rmitchell239 Posts: 125 Member
    I like your shoulders!! Definitely seeing definition there. This may sound weird for motivation: I did a grueling first day back workout one day. Took me 84 minutes. I told another girl at the gym, her response "wow I wouldn't even admit that if I were you" that stung a little at first but it also made me repeat it last month. Now I plan on doing it monthly while continuing to workout till it goes down! Grrrrr
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    You go girl! That is awesome! I noticed the other day that my legs are much more firm that prior to hitting the gym and my partner even noticed by saying, "You have tough legs now, they aren't squishy anymore" hahaha
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    I like your shoulders!! Definitely seeing definition there. This may sound weird for motivation: I did a grueling first day back workout one day. Took me 84 minutes. I told another girl at the gym, her response "wow I wouldn't even admit that if I were you" that stung a little at first but it also made me repeat it last month. Now I plan on doing it monthly while continuing to workout till it goes down! Grrrrr

    Thank you!! And why would she say that to you? So rude! 84 minutes of working out is 84 minutes of working out, it's better than sitting on the couch for 84 minutes. Tell her to buzz off. At least you were at the gym. Good work!
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    You go girl! That is awesome! I noticed the other day that my legs are much more firm that prior to hitting the gym and my partner even noticed by saying, "You have tough legs now, they aren't squishy anymore" hahaha

    Awesome motivation. My legs have always been motivating to me as well as they seem to have results the quickest of any body part. Can't go wrong with a great pair of legs ;)