Only 2lb

I've woke up this morning so disappointed for my first 2 week weigh in. I'm aiming to loose around 30-40 lb and have reduced my calories to 1200-1500 and have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week and I've lost 2lb ! 1lb a week which is rediculous seeing as I am around 3 stone overweight, does anyone know why this could be ?



  • ajc1309
    ajc1309 Posts: 255 Member
    That seems like a healthy amount to lose in 2 weeks. If it comes of slowly then it's more likely to stay off. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will see the lbs come off. My weight loss fluctuated, I could go from losing 1 stone in just over a month to only losing a couple of lbs the next month.
  • alicer461
    alicer461 Posts: 46 Member
    I know 2lb is 2lb but last time I would loose 4-6lb a week just with healthy eating and this time I've added excersice so I should be loosing more than 2lb in 2 weeks
  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hormones, water rention, not accurately weighing your foods, underestimating calorie intake...could be any of these or none. i would say dont stress, keep your deficit and activity level at an achievable one and the results will happen, my weight was up unexpectedly last week and then that time of the month was over and suddenly 1.5 kg fell off the scale and i had actually lost weight (water retention in my case i imagine)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited July 2015
    4-6lbs a week isn't healthy and isn't something you should aim for. 2lbs a week is a maximum and that isn't going to happen every week - weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks you'll lose, some you'll stay the same, some you'll gain. And 2 weeks isn't even close to long enough to start working out how well you're doing, you need to keep at it for a few more weeks and look at the overall trend. Also, fluctuations happen - if you're weighing once a week, you could well have been a pound lighter yesterday and just fluctuated up a pound today.

    Just keep at it, be patient, log your calories carefully, and the weight will come off. Good luck!
  • sars388
    sars388 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm no expert but you said last time you lost 4 to 6lb a week. Please don't take this the wrong way but but it sounds like you put that weight back on. If you lose it slower they say it will have more chance of staying off. I've been losing 1 to 2 lb a week for 3 1/2 months. Just keep going doing what your doing. If your doing gym aswell you could be losing fat but gaining muscle. Good luck.
  • alicer461
    alicer461 Posts: 46 Member
    That's very true thanks guys I've got my motivation back :) I looked online and it says that if you go from pretty lazy(sedentary) to active your body takes a while to adjust which sounds realistic and I have started doing weights for the first time so I should have gained muscle :)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    alicer461 wrote: »
    That's very true thanks guys I've got my motivation back :) I looked online and it says that if you go from pretty lazy(sedentary) to active your body takes a while to adjust which sounds realistic and I have started doing weights for the first time so I should have gained muscle :)

    You won't really have gained much muscle in a deficit, but your muscles will be retaining water to repair, which will stop the scales from dropping for a few days or so. Weight lifting in a deficit won't generally make you gain muscle, but it will mean that you retain more muscle than you would have done otherwise, so you'll still have more muscle when you reach your goal weight (and therefore look better when you reach your goal weight) than you would have done if you weren't weight training.