skinny me

I really need curvy ladies to challenge the curves and get skinny and healthy together


  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    What is wrong with being curvy?
  • Neversettle78
    Neversettle78 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    "Skinny" does not always equal healthy btw. Sorry to "be like that" but your sentence has some red flags for me. Define curvy..because I feel curvy but my curves are different than other people's curves.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why would you want to be 'skinny'? Slim, yes, toned, lean, thin, yes, skinny, no.
  • ramadimetse
    ramadimetse Posts: 12 Member
    Maybe you rite
  • violetsarefeckingpurple
    There's nothing wrong with being skinny either, just would like to point that out. :wink:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I hope to be fit and curvy :) and skinnier than I am now :wink:
  • ramadimetse
    ramadimetse Posts: 12 Member
    What is wrong with being curvy?

    Big curves makes it hard to find fitting clothes .
  • ramadimetse
    ramadimetse Posts: 12 Member
    "Skinny" does not always equal healthy btw. Sorry to "be like that" but your sentence has some red flags for me. Define curvy..because I feel curvy but my curves are different than other people's curves.

    Curves that are large...super size. ...
  • ramadimetse
    ramadimetse Posts: 12 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    I hope to be fit and curvy :) and skinnier than I am now :wink:

    Great to find someone who understand. ..skinny me meaning less of what I weigh. .not bag of bones ..
  • Renebry
    Renebry Posts: 22 Member
    Hey miss lady! Feel free to add me. I'm not trying to get actual skinny, but I'm definitely trying to get "skinny". Haha