So I have been on here for about 25 days and Ive lost 9lbs ( Im 186 now) BUT I have been stuck at the 9 pounds for 2 weeks on sunday.
Before this I never was active... the most I did was walk my 3 dogs maybe once a week and as for dinner this was my menu:

Monday Mcdonalds
Tuesday Taco Bell
Wednesday Swish Calett
Thursday Wendys
Friday Little Ceasars
Saturday A&W
Sunday East Side Marios

NOW I run on the elliptical every night for 20 mins and do increasing amounts of sit ups...I have never been over my calories goal and all the other goals (sodium, fat etc)

Before MFP you would never see me drinking water.. if there was nothing to drink but water I just wouldnt drink and now I am drinking an average of 9 cups a day.

Im 22 and I ate about 2 ounces of added salt a day and have also cut that out.

What I am doing that is keeping me at 9lbs for 2 weeks ??
I lost 9lb in the forst 2 weeks!

Thanks everyone!!!! :happy:


  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Are you eating the same calorie count every day? If so your body is getting used to that. There are a ton of threads on here regarding cycling or zig-zagging your cals. Try it.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Just keep doing what you're doing. As long as you are eating healthy (lots of fresh, nutritious foods) and exercising regularly, you should slowly start shedding weight again. I can't view your diary or might make additional suggestions. 2 weeks is not a lot of time, so just hang in there.
  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    In my opinion...i think you are eating too many processed foods and most are usually very high in sodium (water retention) and unhealthy. Try to begin cooking or finding foods that are more on the "natural" side
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    The scale will move down. Try eating more fiber and lean protein, stay away from excess sodium and BE PATIENT!!! I stayed at 9lbs lost for a while, but now my numbers constantly change. It will happen, just keep making healthy choices!
  • Brittany1414
    Thanks !!
    2 weeks feels like forever lol
    But ya my day is normally this almost everyday :

    Breakfast : Rye Toast
    Snack: fruit
    Lunch: Lean Cuisine and 35 cal Yogurt
    Snack: Veggy
    Dinner: Chicken (80cal) sweet potato , green beans and peppers
    Sanck 100 cal popcorn and Skinny cow fudge ice cream bar
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Try switching up your workout. Like anything, your body will get use to doing the same thing over and over. Maybe try some yoga, cardio etc.
  • queenwinslow
    queenwinslow Posts: 5 Member
    I have down weights three days a week and that always changes things for me!!! I hate plateaus but dont give up!!! One day you are stuck for a month and then after that month 10 pounds drop in a day it seems like!!!stay strong lift weights try HIIT workout too!!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Before you do anything let's see your diary. Make it public so people can make better suggestions.
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Found the website for zig-zagging your cals: www.freedieting.com/tools

    You eat the same amount of calories in a week, except instead of 1300 every day, one day you have 1200, the next 1400....so your body doesn't get used to the same amount every day.....
  • Brittany1414
    Found the website for zig-zagging your cals: www.freedieting.com/tools

    You eat the same amount of calories in a week, except instead of 1300 every day, one day you have 1200, the next 1400....so your body doesn't get used to the same amount every day.....

    Thanks that great..I will look into that!
  • brogers31
    brogers31 Posts: 4
    I had my first meeting with a personal trainer last week and he told me that I wasn't really accomplishing anything by going to the gym and only getting on the elliptical or treadmill. He told me I needed to incorporate more strength training into my work outs because muscle will burn fat a whole lot faster than fat will burn fat. Your initial weight will go up some - but you should start seeing the inches coming off. In just a week - I can already tell a difference in the way my clothes are fitting. My legs are also always sore, lol. That's ok though - I will take sore and firm over fat and flabby any day ;) Good luck!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Weight loss is not a straight line trip! So don't get discouraged. My weight loss trajectory looks like a stair step with sometime many days without a loss followed by a drop. You do need to examine your plan:

    1. Do you have the proper calorie goal (Go through the MFP goal setting to target a daily calorie allotment)

    2. Do you MEASURE EVERYTHING that passes you lips? And I really mean measure. Like with a food scale and measuring cups/spoons. We tend to way underestimate or calorie intake

    3. Do you use a heart rate monitor to track your exercise? If not , you should be very conservative in eating back your exercise calories. The estimates on MFP (at least for me) are in many cases double what my HRM estimates. Without an HRM, I would eat back no more that 1/2 of what MFP or the elliptical machine report.

    4. Consider adjusting your macronutrients, For me and many others, a higher protein lower carbohydrate approach improve satiety and quells hunger/cravings. You will have to see what works for you.

    Good luck!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Thanks !!
    2 weeks feels like forever lol
    But ya my day is normally this almost everyday :

    Breakfast : Rye Toast
    Snack: fruit
    Lunch: Lean Cuisine and 35 cal Yogurt
    Snack: Veggy
    Dinner: Chicken (80cal) sweet potato , green beans and peppers
    Sanck 100 cal popcorn and Skinny cow fudge ice cream bar

    well first, congrats for giving up the eating out. your wallet thanks you as well - I am sure

    I would cut out the lean cuisine every day. have it when you are in a pinch. I would also add in some protein to breaky - maybe egg whites, or some different carbs/protein like steel cut oatmeal.

    maybe add some healthy fats. hummus is good too - with the veggies.

    make sure you eat enough as well - and you can also try new cardio and some weights.

    good job on the 9 lbs!!
  • Brittany1414
    I had my first meeting with a personal trainer last week and he told me that I wasn't really accomplishing anything by going to the gym and only getting on the elliptical or treadmill. He told me I needed to incorporate more strength training into my work outs because muscle will burn fat a whole lot faster than fat will burn fat. Your initial weight will go up some - but you should start seeing the inches coming off. In just a week - I can already tell a difference in the way my clothes are fitting. My legs are also always sore, lol. That's ok though - I will take sore and firm over fat and flabby any day ;) Good luck!

    What kind of strength trainning are you doing?? :happy:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Thanks !!
    2 weeks feels like forever lol
    But ya my day is normally this almost everyday :

    Breakfast : Rye Toast
    Snack: fruit
    Lunch: Lean Cuisine and 35 cal Yogurt
    Snack: Veggy
    Dinner: Chicken (80cal) sweet potato , green beans and peppers
    Sanck 100 cal popcorn and Skinny cow fudge ice cream bar
    You need a more substantial breakfast. Try to get some protein in that first meal of the day.

    I would also say lunch is too processed. Most low cal foods have very little nutritional value. Instead of the lean cuisine try making a pot of brown rice or whole wheat or brown rice pasta and adding your own veg and spices to it. make the rice/pasta at the beginning of the week and you can swap out different veg and use your leftover protein from dinner. Instead of the low cal fake yogurt, try greek yogurt and add your own fruit or toppings.

    Instead of low cal popcorn, try air popped popcorn and again add your own seasonings,

    Try and get a bit more green veg in your diet.
  • brogers31
    brogers31 Posts: 4
    My biggest problems are my butt and legs. So on Mondays and Fridays he has me working on that area. I don't know what the thing is called but it is sort of like a leg press. It has this big flat area that you put your legs on and push yourself up with weights attached. There are several different positions that you can put your legs in to work different muscles. I do 4 sets of 20 reps in each position. On Wednesdays I work on my arms. Again, I don't really know what all the stuff is called - but there are 4 different machines that I do 4 sets of 20 reps on each. He also said it is very important to give your muscles time to heal which is why I only do strength 3 days a week. On the other 2 days - don't take a break - just more cardio...