I can't seem to get it right

I've been trying to lose weight now for over 6 months, nothing has stuck. I seem to lose weight and then pile it back on again.
I think I've discovered that my weakness is that I've been trying I go it alone, and I need a bit of support when it comes to those moments where I want to reach for a packet of doughnuts.
Anyone to chat to, share stories, problems or advice would be much appreciated


  • RachnRal
    RachnRal Posts: 3 Member
    Hang in there. Every day is a new day. I took me two years (plus) to lose 50 pounds. I have about 10 pounds to go and I keep gaining and losing those same pounds.
  • Anna_Sta
    Anna_Sta Posts: 22 Member
    [Long post ahead and I apologise if my assumptions are wrong.]

    You need to find your true caloric need (bmr + daily activity levels) that will help you lose weight but will also not make you starve.
    It sounds like you do well but then your hunger/ cravings truly kicks in and you want to give up. Do you deprive yourself from certain foods? Do you see them as bad foods? Do you eat a bit of chocolate and you immediately flag your day as a "bad day" and eat all junk food you can find?
    Let yourself have a little treat everyday, like a biscuit or something so you remove the idea of dieting from your mind. A healthy lifestyle is NOT a diet. You need to realise that what you are going to follow you should most likely stick with for a lifetime, if you want to keep the weight off and be happy at the same time.
    This comes from someone who has been between 108-110 pounds for years now. I allow myself daily treats and when I happen to be with family and friends, I eat till I am full (not to the point of puking) from the food that is available. Even if I want to over eat, I remember how *kitten* it feels the next day. And not the guilt, but the whole feeling of bloatness, constipation, etc.
    If I feel like having some chocolate, I will have it. A biscuit, ice cream, anything, I WILL have it because NO FOOD IS BAD. What is bad is your mind flagging it as a bad food, which makes you want ALL THAT BAD FOOD purely because you are depriving so much.
    Thing is... when you let yourself have all these foods, you tend to actually go for healthier options because you just feel much better. You feel fuller, you have no sugar crashes, and you do not snack 20 times a day. It becomes like a long term habit, almost.
    You will always get those cravings, but they will just pop here and there and you are satisfied with a very small portion of a treat. It's a wonderful thing to have but it takes time.

    Support helps a lot so I think you should definitely find people to talk to! But, remember that the thing that works best is:
    "I am doing this for MYSELF"

    Much luck <3
  • clarabell943
    clarabell943 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Anna_Sta
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    what Anna_Sta said above!

    Also not just the eating, the exercise component is important too. Weight training helps to burn fat and keep it off so good to incorporate that into routine too :)
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    First off, you need to think of this as a lifestyle change and not a "diet". You need to tell yourself that if you have all these slips, all the previous handwork you did was for nothing and you will have to do it all again. With that said, you also do need your cheat times... some do it weekly, I use it when family comes in or some special occasion comes up that we go out to eat, but it isnt often and after that you get right back to logging your calories and exercising.

    You have to want it, if you dont you will not put 100% into it. They also say that it takes close to a month to make a habit so eating less and healthier and all that is way harder at first but it gets better. I ate awful my whole life, I was super skinny all the way up until 5 years ago when I took some medication that made me gain 60 pounds. This has all been new to be and it was so hard at first. I still have trouble with some of the veggies but I am getting better. I cut out all soda and crap and now when I eat it, it actually makes me feel awful (which I used to think people made up haha).

    Exercise is super important too, I am not sure if you exercised before or what you did. I started out doing zumba on my wii at home, no one to watch me and it made the time go by quicker and it was fun and challenging (especially at first). I also would look up videos on youtube (look up either Hasfit or Fitnessblender) and maybe get some small weights. You need a combo of strength training and cardio for the best results. It will not make you bulky either (it is something I previously thought). I go to a gym now and have a more set schedule and was working with a personal trainer and I also do zumba there too.

    Feel free and add me or message me, I am usually around, I work part time and otherwise I am a stay at home mom. I log daily too (except last night, husband took me out for mexican ;P)