Weight lifting for ladies

i dunno what works. When I was starting out with the eat clean get lean ship I lifted a lot but I lost no weight and no inches but I wasn't watching calories at the time. I still wanna loose a little weight but I'm wondering if my pudge is just intoned muscle. I wanna look slim and toned but I'm afraid lifting will make me bulk up instead of slim so i have been doing cardio to try to loose weight. Any advice?


  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited July 2015

    Throw any preconceived notions about fitness and nutrition that you currently have out of the window. There is no such thing as eating clean, toning up, or spot toning specific areas like your tummy. And you will never look like that picture on the left (which requires a lot more than just lifting weights).

    Learn the basics of nutrition, recommended macros, TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), and get on a proven training routine. Train with consistency and hard work. Don't believe anything you read at face value. Do some research first.

    There are a ton of existing threads that can help you with your goals. To get you started:



  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    ^^^^^ Right here!

    Don't believe the hype and the snake oil salesman. You WILL NOT get bulky by lifting and eating, period. You need to lift, eat and build muscle to burn more calories thus making it easier to get into a caloric deficit which helps with fat loss. You should spend time eating at maintenance and lifting hard and heavy to build that calorie burning muscle and then eat at a caloric deficit and lift less hard and lighter to attempt to shed fat. Of course there will be muscle shed as well, but with proper nutrition it will be minimal.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Get your macros right and lift more. The pudge is not muscle, but there is muscle under it. Lifting does not make women bulky (we don't have enough testosterone). If you don't have a specific routine check out bodybuilding.com, Simply shredded, Thinner Leaner Stronger, Strong Curves. All great routines.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    Lifting plus a calorie deficit has totally made me bulky (sarcasm).
    The Feb picture is the first day I started lifting. I started with strong lifts, but switched to Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 (I thought I would benefit from the extra lifts). I still do cardio 2 - 3 days a week.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    edited July 2015
    Gonna leave this link here. It's a great example of what lifting does...


    ETA: Shadow2soul - you look awesome :)
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    You won't lose weight unless you are at a calorie deficit.

    Lifting weight in itself is not a huge calorie burn, so if you weren't aware of what you were consuming, then it makes sense that you weren't losing weight. Especially since it's easy to say... oh I did weights today, so I'll eat "X" - where "X" is something that has a calorie content 2x that of what you actually burned at the gym.

    Continue lifting for strength gains; track your food to maintain a mild deficit; and feel free to add in cardio for extra calories to consume and more importantly - heart health.

    It takes a LOT of hard work (A LOT) to begin to look even remotely bulky.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    edited July 2015
    sixxpoint wrote: »

    Throw any preconceived notions about fitness and nutrition that you currently have out of the window. There is no such thing as eating clean, toning up, or spot toning specific areas like your tummy. And you will never look like that picture on the left (which requires a lot more than just lifting weights).

    Learn the basics of nutrition, recommended macros, TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), and get on a proven training routine. Train with consistency and hard work. Don't believe anything you read at face value. Do some research first.

    There are a ton of existing threads that can help you with your goals. To get you started:



    Wish I could look like that guy on the left ...

    And I say that cause she definitely didn't get that physique without heavy supplementation, including testosterone.

    Read this : http://www.crossfittt.com/will-lifting-heavy-weights-make-me-big/
  • Neversettle78
    Neversettle78 Posts: 206 Member
    Weight training will not make you big and bulky. I have so many issues with people thinking that...but I understand, because I used to be one too.
    Doing cardio exclusively is setting you up for disappointment btw. Have you heard of the term "skinny fat"? It is when you are at your desired weight and size (in clothing) yet your lean muscle mass is low (you burned it away doing so much cardio) and your body fat % is higher than ideal at that size. This tends to cause one of two things to happen...1. the person says F**k it, I don't even look good at my goal weight and they gain a crap-tonne (is that a real measurement amount) back....or 2. they set their sights on a lower weight hoping for more satisfaction (this can become an ugly cycle).
    I know not all women want muscles (not that I understand why they don't because I am always wanting more and more) and I may look "big and bulky" in some pics to some people but I actually wear size small clothing. I am 5'5" and weigh 150 lbs but again fit in size SMALL clothing. That is becuase muscle is so dense it takes up less room on your body than that weight in fat would.
    I feel like I am getting sidetracked and rambling...so OP please consider adding some weight/resistance training into your program. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Side bonus: it is great stress relief!
    Feel free to friend request me if you want to see my other pics in my profile :)
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    @sixxpoint is spot on!

    You won't get bulky. Trust me, I've tried and it doesn't happen by accident. I lift heavy and still am not bulky.

    Lifting can do so much good for your body. It not only makes you smaller, but it does a lot of good you can't really see. It strengths your supporting muscles, helps with bone density, and is actually really good for your body (when done with good form). Plus, it can make you feel like a badass :wink:

    Here's a link for you to look at: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1120789/females-only-lifting-weight-training-results/p1
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Weight training will not make you big and bulky. I have so many issues with people thinking that...but I understand, because I used to be one too.
    Doing cardio exclusively is setting you up for disappointment btw. Have you heard of the term "skinny fat"? It is when you are at your desired weight and size (in clothing) yet your lean muscle mass is low (you burned it away doing so much cardio) and your body fat % is higher than ideal at that size. This tends to cause one of two things to happen...1. the person says F**k it, I don't even look good at my goal weight and they gain a crap-tonne (is that a real measurement amount) back....or 2. they set their sights on a lower weight hoping for more satisfaction (this can become an ugly cycle).
    I know not all women want muscles (not that I understand why they don't because I am always wanting more and more) and I may look "big and bulky" in some pics to some people but I actually wear size small clothing. I am 5'5" and weigh 150 lbs but again fit in size SMALL clothing. That is becuase muscle is so dense it takes up less room on your body than that weight in fat would.
    I feel like I am getting sidetracked and rambling...so OP please consider adding some weight/resistance training into your program. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Side bonus: it is great stress relief!
    Feel free to friend request me if you want to see my other pics in my profile :)

    Thank you for sharing! Spot on what you've said.
  • beastmode2718
    beastmode2718 Posts: 108 Member
    Weight training will not make you big and bulky. I have so many issues with people thinking that...but I understand, because I used to be one too.
    Doing cardio exclusively is setting you up for disappointment btw. Have you heard of the term "skinny fat"? It is when you are at your desired weight and size (in clothing) yet your lean muscle mass is low (you burned it away doing so much cardio) and your body fat % is higher than ideal at that size. This tends to cause one of two things to happen...1. the person says F**k it, I don't even look good at my goal weight and they gain a crap-tonne (is that a real measurement amount) back....or 2. they set their sights on a lower weight hoping for more satisfaction (this can become an ugly cycle).
    I know not all women want muscles (not that I understand why they don't because I am always wanting more and more) and I may look "big and bulky" in some pics to some people but I actually wear size small clothing. I am 5'5" and weigh 150 lbs but again fit in size SMALL clothing. That is becuase muscle is so dense it takes up less room on your body than that weight in fat would.
    I feel like I am getting sidetracked and rambling...so OP please consider adding some weight/resistance training into your program. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Side bonus: it is great stress relief!
    Feel free to friend request me if you want to see my other pics in my profile :)

  • beastmode2718
    beastmode2718 Posts: 108 Member
    That is exactly what I am going through right now. I'm almost my goal weight and I still have flab I'm like wtf. I was wondering if I need to loose more or build muscle but I think this answers my question
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    Ditto Kami, Shadow...you are amazing!