should my net calories equal my daily goal to lose weight?

im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?


  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Yep :) I don't follow that oh so well though, I normally either don't eat my calories I burned or I eat some of them but not all because I hate to feel like I worked out and ate it all back but thats just me.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?

    That's the general idea, yes. You want to stay as close as you can to your net calories. So on days you don't log any exercise, it will be 1200. On days that you do log exercise, you want the net to be 1200. In this way, you maintain a consistent calorie deficit whether you exercise or not.
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    see thats the way i feel! i feel like if i eat them i will gain weight or somethin. lol. so exercise pretty much allows me to eat wat i want. and get more fit of course.
  • christina_michelle
    Please search this topic on the board. I see it asked at least 10 times daily.
    No big deal obviously a lot of people are curious (:
    but press the search button first..
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?

    That's the general idea, yes. You want to stay as close as you can to your net calories. So on days you don't log any exercise, it will be 1200. On days that you do log exercise, you want the net to be 1200. In this way, you maintain a consistent calorie deficit whether you exercise or not.

    so my net calories should always say 1200?
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Please search this topic on the board. I see it asked at least 10 times daily.
    No big deal obviously a lot of people are curious (:
    but press the search button first..

    What search button?
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    That 1200 thing is the "starvation mode" number. I do try to stay as close as possible to it but if I have had a great exercise day sometimes I am just not hungry enough to eat it all back.
  • christina_michelle
    Please search this topic on the board. I see it asked at least 10 times daily.
    No big deal obviously a lot of people are curious (:
    but press the search button first..

    What search button?

    last button on the board options.

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  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Please search this topic on the board. I see it asked at least 10 times daily.
    No big deal obviously a lot of people are curious (:
    but press the search button first..

    What search button?

    last button on the board options.

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    Thanks! I was looking for that earlier.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    You can eat back your exercise calories, and you will still loose weight. Pay attention however to the other totals as well. Try not to go over on fat or cholesterol or any of the other nasty foodstuffs. The idea is to eat your burn back in GOOD foods.

    Think of is as working off the junk that got you over weight and putting back in healthy calories to build a better you. Building your house out of brick and not straw.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?

    That's the general idea, yes. You want to stay as close as you can to your net calories. So on days you don't log any exercise, it will be 1200. On days that you do log exercise, you want the net to be 1200. In this way, you maintain a consistent calorie deficit whether you exercise or not.

    so my net calories should always say 1200?

    Yes. Or as close as you can get.
  • wjkirby
    wjkirby Posts: 120
    im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?

    That's the general idea, yes. You want to stay as close as you can to your net calories. So on days you don't log any exercise, it will be 1200. On days that you do log exercise, you want the net to be 1200. In this way, you maintain a consistent calorie deficit whether you exercise or not.

    Great explanation. I see this question so many times on here. Yes you should eat exercise calories back to keep your body fueled for working out but stay at or just under your target net calories. The point of working out is to build strong muscle which will burn calories more efficiently. In my case based on the information I first entered for myself I should require about 2400 calories a day just to do everyday activity. I want to try and lose 2 pounds a week so MFP calculated I need a 900 calorie deficit. So my target is 1500 calories a day. If I burn 500 calories working out and eat back 500 workout calories, I still have a 900 calorie deficit. So I should still lose weight but my muscle is getting stronger and will burn even more calories.
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?

    That's the general idea, yes. You want to stay as close as you can to your net calories. So on days you don't log any exercise, it will be 1200. On days that you do log exercise, you want the net to be 1200. In this way, you maintain a consistent calorie deficit whether you exercise or not.

    Ok thank you so much! See I tried looking this up but I never found the answer I was looking for, so thats why I posted this.
    so my net calories should always say 1200?

    Yes. Or as close as you can get.
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    im just wondering if im suppose to eat 1200 cals reguardless. and on days that i exercise i can eat more than 1200?

    That's the general idea, yes. You want to stay as close as you can to your net calories. So on days you don't log any exercise, it will be 1200. On days that you do log exercise, you want the net to be 1200. In this way, you maintain a consistent calorie deficit whether you exercise or not.

    Great explanation. I see this question so many times on here. Yes you should eat exercise calories back to keep your body fueled for working out but stay at or just under your target net calories. The point of working out is to build strong muscle which will burn calories more efficiently. In my case based on the information I first entered for myself I should require about 2400 calories a day just to do everyday activity. I want to try and lose 2 pounds a week so MFP calculated I need a 900 calorie deficit. So my target is 1500 calories a day. If I burn 500 calories working out and eat back 500 workout calories, I still have a 900 calorie deficit. So I should still lose weight but my muscle is getting stronger and will burn even more calories.

    I like how you explained this.
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    Please search this topic on the board. I see it asked at least 10 times daily.
    No big deal obviously a lot of people are curious (:
    but press the search button first..

    the only reason I posted this was because I couldn't find the exact answer i was looking for. a lot of peoples answers would be way out in left field lol. so i just posted this hoping to get the answer i wanted.