Losing weight. But no difference in looks

I've lost 7 1/2 pounds in the last 21 days. Which is great and every time I step on the scale I am so proud of myself for making it this far.
But I'm not seeing this weight loss reflect in my overall appearance. I've taken pictures and I'm still not seeing any difference. I plan on going to get a measuring tape and taking measurements to hopefully see results there...
Am I expecting something too soon? I was under the impression that you'll see a difference in your body before you see it on the scale. The numbers are dropping so easily but my pants size isn't.


  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    Depends on how much you have to lose. Usually I think it is over 10 lbs lost before cloth size changes.. so just be patient and keep going.
    Other people may not notice (again depending on hmtl) until 20-40 lbs lost.
    Seeing a difference in your body before the scale has a lot to do with what exercises you are doing.
    Good luck, and stick with it.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    21 days isnt enough time to really see much meaningful change. You'll have to give it more time .
  • Amber_hanson27
    Amber_hanson27 Posts: 66 Member
    Girl let me tell you!!! I didn't notice a change myself until about 25lb dropped. Others did but it took me longer. You will get there just keep at it!!!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Girl let me tell you!!! I didn't notice a change myself until about 25lb dropped. Others did but it took me longer. You will get there just keep at it!!!

    The same here. And I've lost 25 lbs and am still in the same size clothes.

    But I've lost over 16 inches from the 9 spots I measure.

    So give it some more time.
  • melissaf0405
    melissaf0405 Posts: 67 Member
    7 1/2 lbs is huge you should start feeling your clothes fitting differently soon but as for seeing a change I lost 40 lbs and 4 sizes and still dudnnt see the change to be as drastic as others saw it on me. Not sure if that was because I never really saw myself as I really was at my heaviest. With that said I did notice how much healthier I felt. Stick with it and keep logging your food and you will soon notice the difference the scale is reflecting. Keep up the great work
  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    7 1/2 pounds is great but give it more time. Depending on how much you need to lose, your body shape, etc it will likely take several more pounds before you see a noticeable difference.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have lost 40lbs +, and I have trouble seeing it. I usually take pictures and have a friend look at them and tell me if there are changes.

    Last month my trainer measured me, and I had GAINED in a few places...yet several people at the gym told him they thought I looked slimmer. When I took pics, I saw some little changes.
  • LC932017
    LC932017 Posts: 94 Member
    I saw your goal as 50lbs to lose so 7 1/2lbs is a good start in such a short period (15% of your goal reached) so dont get discouraged. Perhaps another 3 weeks will do the trick and you will notice some difference. Just don't stop cause you're not seeing the results you want to see just yet. You can absolutely do this :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Depends on how much you have to lose! If you're still well above a "healthy weight" range, it might take a few more pounds to notice. Hang in there.
  • missmatalini
    missmatalini Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'3, starting weight was 185, I'm now at 177.

    50 pounds is my rough goal, I feel like I might look unhealthy if I lose that much, but since I haven't been 50 pounds lighter since before I was 16 and obviously my body has changed dramatically in 4 years, I don't know how it'll look 50 (now 43) pounds lighter. So I'm essentially just going until I am happy with my appearance.

    I'm down 7 1/2 quickly since I spent 3 days in Hospital and almost did a week on liquid only because of my health. That itself dropped 3 pounds for me, almost just in the past week.

    Somehow my starting pictures got deleted (which bummed me out) I feel like I can see a change sometimes and then I second guess myself. . . or I convince myself my pants are looser because they are getting stretched out.

  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    It took me until 165 pounds from 192 to see a difference and my clothes to fit differently. At 160 pounds others commented. At 156 pounds I see a difference in the mirror! Keep it up you are doing great!!!
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
  • missmatalini
    missmatalini Posts: 30 Member
    Ok I jumped the gun with my Sally sob post. Thankfully was able to recover my initial pictures and just took new ones to compare and I am shocked at the amount of back fat gone! I will have to post pictures...but blur out my big butt in my skivvies!
  • momof3gdn
    momof3gdn Posts: 10 Member
    I noticed this is different on your starting weight I have a friend who started 140 and had 7 lb lost and she looks different! She really looks like she lost a lot of weight! But when I did it 4 yrs ago and I was 185 lbs and drop 10 lbs. I am so proud of myself but I can't see it and nobody can either lol but when I dropped another 10lbs that's when they started noticing it. :)
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    You need to measure trust me when the scales are moving or not measuring will always show how you are tracking good luck with it all
  • missmatalini
    missmatalini Posts: 30 Member

    Didn't notice a difference because it was all gone from my back. Feeling a LOT better now that I see it.
  • giselleherz
    giselleherz Posts: 4 Member

    Didn't notice a difference because it was all gone from my back. Feeling a LOT better now that I see it.

    THIS IS RIDICULOUS! Keep up the good work! Someone has an hour glass shape ;)

  • ch_carr
    ch_carr Posts: 2 Member
    Also it depends on what you are doing to loose weight. A lot of people forget the muscle weighs a lot more than fat. You can work out, loose fat and gain muscle which might look the same on the scale but won't feel the same in your clothes. That's why it's important to only weigh yourself once a week and taking your measurements is also good. I know it sucks to get on the scale and see that number not change so stick to how you feel in your clothes.