Gall bladder removal diet and bloatingness?

Hey guys I had my gall bladder removed and have to eat everything low-fat, so what's some basic yummy low-fat things to eat? I eat grilled chicken, cottage cheese, fruit, celery..can I eat a 4 oz. steak or will that hurt me b/c of my gall bladder removal? I can also eat broiled hamburgers..but I have to be careful and not eat fried or fattening stuff..Im' veryyy bloated and my surgery was almost 2 weeks ago!! Idk y im still bloated..this is the most bloated ive ever been..anyone know what to do for that too?


  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76
    Hey guys I had my gall bladder removed and have to eat everything low-fat, so what's some basic yummy low-fat things to eat? I eat grilled chicken, cottage cheese, fruit, celery..can I eat a 4 oz. steak or will that hurt me b/c of my gall bladder removal? I can also eat broiled hamburgers..but I have to be careful and not eat fried or fattening stuff..Im' veryyy bloated and my surgery was almost 2 weeks ago!! Idk y im still bloated..this is the most bloated ive ever been..anyone know what to do for that too?
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hey Ryiko! I have also had my gall bladder May actually. I eat whatever I want and it doesn't bother me. Of course now you will see why I am overweight. You can always choose healthy stuff like fresh fruits and veggies! They are great! Eating really fattening things aren't healthy for your body but I did eat them after my surgery. I just go to the bathroom quicker. The bloating will eventually go away. The pump lots of air in there! I believe I took some gas pills to ease some of the pressure. Try that and see if it helps you out any. Good luck on your weight loss! Oh yea I love steak and it hasn't stopped me from eating that! Since the whole weight loss thing I just cut down on how much of it I eat!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I hope you're feeling better!
    You will still be able to break down fats, but it will take longer and you'll have to eat smaller amounts of fat throughout the day. There are very lean steaks out there, like minute steaks that are quite thin and have very little fat or marbling.You'll probably have to perform a bit of trial and error to see how much fat you can take in per sitting. Your liver will produce the bile, but there's nowhere to store it, so you will only have what your liver is producing at the time, whereas with a GB you have a large store of bile.
    Bloating is a reaction to the surgery. It's related to inflammation and is just a part of the healing process. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and take it easy. Ask your doctor if you can take some anti-inflammatory stuff like ibeuprofin.
    Good luck, and don't get discouraged if you experience some difficulty re-adjusting to your body. I'm sure you will feel much better now, because GB problems can really be tough! :flowerforyou:
  • NovemberBride
    I also had my gallbladder removed, and watch them removed almost on a daily basis. They do blow your abdomen up with LOTS of air. It's not just oxygen though, it's actually a gas that's suppose to be easily absorbed into the body. However, everyone is different. I was bloated, but that wasn't my biggest issue. The air felt like it got caught under my shoulder blade and I had REALLY bad back pain. But, it will eventually go away. And as far as the diet goes, we should eat healthier things, such as NON-deep fried items, but so should everyone else. The surgury does effect people differently. One of my co-workers has no side effects, I know when I've had too much fat for the day because I'm hitting the bathroom quickly and frequently. Anyways, the internet is your friend when it comes to health related questions, and delicious recipes, and your doctor should be a good mentor also.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I also had my gallbladder removed, and watch them removed almost on a daily basis. They do blow your abdomen up with LOTS of air. It's not just oxygen though, it's actually a gas that's suppose to be easily absorbed into the body. However, everyone is different. I was bloated, but that wasn't my biggest issue. The air felt like it got caught under my shoulder blade and I had REALLY bad back pain. But, it will eventually go away. And as far as the diet goes, we should eat healthier things, such as NON-deep fried items, but so should everyone else. The surgury does effect people differently. One of my co-workers has no side effects, I know when I've had too much fat for the day because I'm hitting the bathroom quickly and frequently. Anyways, the internet is your friend when it comes to health related questions, and delicious recipes, and your doctor should be a good mentor also.
    I agree with you about having too much fat and frequent bathroom trips. But I do know that now that my gall bladder is gone I feel so much better about everything!
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed the end of August. I do not have any problems AT ALL with eating fatty/fried foods. I used to have issues before my gallbladder was removed, but now none. My close friend though has to be in the bathroom very sick about 10 minutes after eating anything fatty/friend, so everyone is different.