Interested in Counting Carbs

How are you supposed to know how many carbs you can have a day to lose weight? I never have counted my carbs so I don't even know where to start!


  • pinkprincess40
    pinkprincess40 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been told I'm diabetic so besides having to lose weight I have to keep my carbs at 100g a day. MFP gives you the carb breakdown of all foods so just keep checking that you'll soon see what's high and what's not. Read labels in the store
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Is there a reason you want to count carbs in particular? Often, it's recommended that carbs fill out the diet once you have enough protein and fat.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    why should you count them?
    Any reason to?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    MyFitnessPal’s current default goals distribute calories as follows: 50% from carbohydrates, 20% from protein and 30% from fat.

    I personally do better with less carbs and tweaked my macros to be 40% from carbohydrates, 30% from protein and 30% from fat.

    However, I know plenty of vegans and vegetarians who do great on a higher percentage of carbs.

    You could start with the default setting and see how you feel with that.
  • ChelBell712
    ChelBell712 Posts: 26 Member
    Well I don't know much about counting carbs that's why I am asking, but I was recently told by a nurse that i work with that counting your carbs would help tramendously in weight loss.. so I though I would try to read up on it and understand it more. This is also the same person who pretty much starved herself to get to her skinny self that she is today which I'm not about to try! I'm currently weighing 229 and have lost 22 lbs since April and now I'm only maintaining that weight and would like to try new things so my body won't get used to what I have been eating!
  • ChelBell712
    ChelBell712 Posts: 26 Member
    My high blood pressure is what originally brought this up! Forgot to add that in.
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Look into Atkins. I would check out their website - they easily explain their plans and different levels of carb consumption based on your weight loss goals. They also have an app!
  • ChelBell712
    ChelBell712 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks! I forgot about the Atkins diet! That's what I need is a plan. I pretty much just wing it!
  • ChelBell712
    ChelBell712 Posts: 26 Member
    Well so far people act like counting carbs isn't even necessary so I guess I'll mark that off my list!! That answers that question!
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Atkins, Southbeach,
    Lots of options out there.

    I follow a lower carb lifestyle, but not super low. 80 or less a day.

    I get mine thru vegetables, lower glycemic value foods. Avoiding table sugar is a choice for me.

    But keep in mind that burning off body fat happens when you need calories. Low carb focused eating that is too many calories is not going to lose weight. You can follow it and gain weight if you eat more than your body can burn off

    I have followed lower carb focused eating to the right calorie level and lost around 125 lbs so fat.

    It does work.

    I also exercise as well to burn off calories.

    Good luck with whatever nutrition strategy you choose.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    I wish it weren't so, but health care professionals are, as a class, not a good source of dietary advice. Obviously, there are some that are very knowledgeable, but on average they are less knowledgeable than the good posters on this site. In other words, don't go on a low carb diet based on a nurse's anecdotal advice.
  • ChelBell712
    ChelBell712 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm glad there are people on here that will tell the Cold Hearted truth!! That's why I'm here! I'm desperate for good advice and help! I've hit rock bottom and I need to get back up for sure! And after working for nurses and doctors you would think I would have learned that by now, considering I don't trust half of them!
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    A friend of mine who is diabetic is eating a Low Glycemic Diet recommended to her by her doctor. She eats carbs, but aims for 'slow' carbs; she doesn't eat white bread, white rice, quick oats, etc. She showed me a list of all the 'good' carbs as she calls them. They include 100% stone ground wheat, whole oats, yams, etc. Lots of fruit and vegetables that are less starchy.
    Seems like a very healthy meal plan.
    She also eats some protein + fats with each of her meals or snacks. But again, this is for her health and to keep her blood sugar levels more stable.
  • ChelBell712
    ChelBell712 Posts: 26 Member
    Well I'm half way there.. trying to cut out all breads now, cut out sweets and sodas and seems to benefit me so far! I eat a lot of fruit and some veggies, as I am very picky, but slowly learning to like new things!!