18 yrs old and sick of being overweight. I WANT TO LIVE! I'd love to find a buddy for motivation :)

Hey everyone.
So as I said in the title i'm 18 years old and I''ve decided that I want to lose weight, the healthy and permanent way.
I'm about 60 lbs overeight and I hate it. I know that being big is not my body type as up until I was about 12 I was slim and very active. Then once I started secondary school everything changed. My first two years I was a bit of an outsider. I didn't have many friends and, although I wasn't bullied, I was teased quite a bit and became very withdrawn and shy (the complete opposite to what I was like as a child.
I was always very studious but when I reached the age of about 14 I became engrossed in my studies as I decided I wanted to study medicine (in case you were wondering, I start medical school this september!! EEEEEEEK!!).
Anyway, while the rest of my sibling were athletes, I was a mathlete and the weight just piled on.
I've never been able to love my body, a lot of this is due to pressure at home to lose weight. Of course this comes with the best intentions but is not that great for my self-esteem.

So I've decided i'm going to do something about it. I turn 19 next month and in september I start university and I want to at least make a start on a healthy lifestyle before then.
Right now I weigh just under 200 pounds and my goal is to reach 140 lbs.

I know it's going to be hard which is why I want to meet people on here to hold me accountable for what I do.
I want to reach my goal weight, be healthier, be more active, be able to look in the mirror and say "you know what? YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL". I want to stop dreaming and start doing. I want to live.


  • TomBristow
    TomBristow Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    Firstly, well done to you for deciding to make a change for the better in life. I wish I had done the same when I was 18 on reflection.

    You're at a good age to lose that weight quickly if you do all the right things.

    Good luck!
  • Jessica_1696
    Jessica_1696 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! I've been dieting on and off for years but it was mostly due to my mum. This time I'm doing it for me and I'm determined :)
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    First of all, you're already beautiful! We've all been there (well, most of us) but talking yourself down like that is never a healthy habit, no matter your size. But congratulations for wanting to become healthier and live life to the fullest!

    To start out, set up MFP properly (choosing a sensible goal, about 0.5lb for every 25lbs you're overweight), eat back about 50–75% of your exercise calories (burns on MFP tend to be overstated), stick to your calories and realise that it'll take patience. Weightloss isn't linear. Read the first post of this thread, it's an excellent summary for beginners (and everyone else, really). Also the 'Most Helpful Posts' on both the Getting Started and General Weightloss boards are good.
  • mariafalconi
    mariafalconi Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 18 too and I'm also a little under 200 pounds! What bothers me most is the fact that I'm about 5'11 and I'm still overweight for my height. I hate it. I've been on a weight loss journey since september 2014 and I hit a stupid weightloss-plateau in december. I now find it so hard to even try to break this plateau.
  • RachelJohnson130
    RachelJohnson130 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 18 too and in the same boat as you! I'm about 50 pounds overweight and really want to lose it for good.
  • dandanacutie
    dandanacutie Posts: 15 Member
    Hi jess! I'm a second stage medical student 2..nice to meet you!☺
    good for you to start thinking like this and change what you don't like..welcome to the community. .stay strong and keep us up with the updates..once you decide you can do it..it'll be easier with time ..take care Xx
  • abigailb7
    abigailb7 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello, and congrats for making the change! You are going to hit your goal!!
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    Congratulations on making the right decision. You've come to the right place. There is a ton of great information to be found on these forums.
  • psucato
    psucato Posts: 71 Member
    With a good diet and some hard work you can do it. Im 28 but wished i drooped the wight when i way your age Good job on taking the first step. FR on the way
  • Catintude
    Catintude Posts: 5 Member
    210 here, goal is at least 170
    I'm 21 and at university!