JULY CHALLENGE - say no to sugary treats

Hi everyone,

Do feel overcome by the urge for sugary treats sometimes? Do you feel bad about yourself when you give in to the cravings? Do you feel sad an unfulfilled if you don't?

Well, I think lots of us feel like this. We lead busy, stressful lives and sometimes a piece of cake or a bowl of icecream is a nice comfort at the end of the day. The problem is that if losing weight is your long-term goal then the battle with food in the short-term is often the biggest self-sabotaging factor.

After reading Amelia Freer's Eat Nourish Glow, I would like to try to take control of my sugar cravings by cutting out sugary things for the month. These include:

- office treats: any biscuit, cake, sweets or similar that get passed around in the spirit of cameraderie
- petrol station chocolate
- icecream - difficult to do in this hot weather
- late night post dinner treats (sometimes mine is a waffle)

Sometimes when we say no to our cravings we still feel like crap, so I want to use this space as a place where we can cheer each other on and reinforce our own fantastic behaviour.

Who's with me!


  • OcGrans8
    OcGrans8 Posts: 4 Member
    I was a sweet tooth junkie; however, I can truly say that I only keep things like graham crackers...there are no sugar treat in the grocery stores...I will encourage you to stick to your goals; however, if you happen to fall of the wagon do not beat yourself up, just start over and begin again.
  • cm262
    cm262 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for your nice words. I just said no to a piece of office cake, so feeling good.