anyone else doing the medifast plan?

hi eveyone, so i have been using this site for MONTHS!! but i just started taking it very seriously 5 days ago..i know i wasted too much time now. but i kept it up using the medifast plan and was wondering if anyone else is doing the same? if you have any advice or in couraging words that will b great. i just want to keep being motivated n keep going!


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Stay motivated, but ditch the medifast. You don't need it. Using MFP to track your food will teach you how to eat for the rest of your life, medifast is just a "quick fix" but when you stop using it, you won't have developed new eating habits. What you do with MFP can be sustained for the rest of your life, easily, and without making you feel like you "can't" have foods you want.

    The best part is, MFP is FREEEEEEE
  • ChristinaRamos
    My friend was using medi fast for a couple weeks, but couldnt tolerate all boxed food or the taste. Feel free to friend me and check out my diary. I've lost 30 lbs in 50 days.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    eat real, whole, natural foods. The weight will come off!
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I have met two deifferent people that did this program , and it worked very well. My question was what happends after you lose the weight, and want to live a normal life?
  • shonniegrl
    shonniegrl Posts: 22 Member
    I started Medifast in October of last year and have lost 60 lbs. I don't think it is for everyone, but for me personally it saved my life. I was at my wits end when it came to dieting and losing weight. I had been on every diet and nothing was working for me. My Dr. (it is recommended by over 22,000 Doctors) had been suggesting Medifast for awhile and so I decided to give it a chance before going under the knife (my last resort). I also started going to nutrition support meetings through my medical group, so I could learn how to eat correctly when I was off of Medifast. After losing about 50 lbs. I decided I wanted to lose the last 50lbs by exercising and eating clean. I still go to the Nutritional Support Meetings and I meet with a Nutritionist once a month on my own. I exercise about 5-6 times a week and even ran a 5K last month. I will never have anything bad to say about Medifast because it really did help to change my life for the better. It took me off the diet rollercoaster and got me to a place where I could manage my eating and cravings. But, you definitely have to have a game plan for when you go off of Medifast. You have to learn about eating correctly and even the emotional reasons for why you overeat. I think it is a plan for people who (like me) are at their wits end and have a lot of weight to lose.
    Good luck to you. I hope my story helps.
  • BeTransformed
    I have lost 55 lbs using Medifast meals. Learning the habits that will keep the weight off is essential. While losing weight I am learning about healthy eating, exercise, sleep and stress reduction. Absolutely love the plan and I'm here to give and receive support!!
  • laceylovespink
    i did tasted awful and made me sick and it cost an arm and a leg...
  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81
    hi eveyone, so i have been using this site for MONTHS!! but i just started taking it very seriously 5 days ago..i know i wasted too much time now. but i kept it up using the medifast plan and was wondering if anyone else is doing the same? if you have any advice or in couraging words that will b great. i just want to keep being motivated n keep going!

    I have to agree that I'd ditch the MediFast plan. LONG term I don't think it's healthy, and unless you plan to stay on it forever, come learn with us to be HEALTHY and track calories IN/OUT! Go out to eat again... but make GOOD HEALTHY food choices!! Linda/RN
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm doing medifast and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! So far I'm down 19lbs in my 6th week. No way I wouldn't done that with just counting calories. I've done that for months and even though I was at about 1200-1400 calories a day I never lost, only GAINED! MF is the answer! And once you get to your goal weight you go through a transition phase to real food. My neighbor did this over a year ago and kept the weight off since. Good luck!
  • TXMayFlower
    I'm doing Medifast too! I'm on week 11 (started March 23) and I have lost 31 pounds and 35+ inches overall as of today. This is the best program I have ever tried. The transition was one of the reasons I chose this program. Once you get to your goal weight, they help you transition back to regular food. While I'm losing, I'm learning what I can and can't eat. I'm learning the chemistry behind how carbs and protein work and I am extremely conscientious about what I eat. And I'm actually losing weight! Not just gaining and losing the same ten pounds I have been for years.

    I truly believe in "to each his own" and I am sure that just doing MFP alone works great for some people, but not all of us. I am happy with my progress using Medifast. I am down to a weight that I haven't been in years and I keep losing. I will continue to use MFP even after I reach my goal. I love that MFP even has all of the Medifast foods already in the database, so it makes tracking my food easier.

    I am so happy to find someone else on the program!!!
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    I just literally received my Medifast food/supplies yesterday and after reading up on everything and speaking with my Life Coach I'll be starting on Sunday. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Any tips or advice? I see some people saying they "tried" it and it didn't work and tasted awful? I honestly don't care if it tastes awful at this point because I am just about to the point of no return here. I will say that I have seen far more people say that the plan has worked and they love it than people that had anything negative to say about it. Any advice on how to get through the first 3 days would be greatly appreciated as well as helpful hints/tips. THANK YOU!!! :)
  • Terri813
    Terri813 Posts: 21
    I started MF almost two weeks ago. The food for me has not tasted horrible. I was really worried about the first 3 days but I found that eating every 2-3 hours kept me from being hungry at all. I think that is part of my weight problem- in that I would skip meals and then be so starved I would eat way too much. Another tip is drink lots of water. Hope your first week goes great.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    i did mf about four yrs ago or so and i lost about 30 pounds in 2 months.....which on my body made me look like i lost a GRIP of weight.....i stopped doing it and moved to nurtisystem, but i just got soooo tired of their food, and only lost like 5 more pounds that month.....i kept off the weight for about 6 months, then got preg and gained it all and then 30+ over those short 3 years....but I'm doing it again and I have already lost 10 pounds since tuesday, so roughly 1.5 pounds a day..,.....I get very creative with dinner, and i always plate it to make it look pretty, because, as paula deen says "you eat with your eyes first". My dad eats the same amount/food that i eat at night, and he doesn't complain one bit that there is no potatoes or bread or that hes still hungry. Also, look online for medifast recipies, becausd the food does get mundayne....there are recipies for mf muffins and all sorts of different foods. Since i'm an oldschool mfer*that just sounds soooo funny because mf can mean so many different things* they used to not have icecream or pancakes and we would have to make them on our own using creative recipes

    I got started on mf after seeing a friend of mine that has been morbidly obese her whole life, lose about 125(at that time, she lost a total of like 170 or so) and she was a coach/mentor/ and overall mf extremist. Then she strayed away from it and started going back to eating her bad habits and gained if not ALL. MOST of her weight back.

    The key to mf is to NOT CHEAT!!! I mean like not one bit, because you will just keep cheating over and over again. Now, if i "cheat" its just another half cup of veggies or something...and yes, as the people above have stated, you can lose it by eating clean and doing it on your own, but somtimes its nice to have a little "push start"

    Also, my food was hand me down mf from a friend who didn't want to do it anymore, and there were no bars left, so i got south beach diet bars which have a few more carbs, but more protein and less calories(if my memory serves me correct).I think i bought about 66 bars or so for 21 dollars....they were super cheap. And if i don't feel like "drinking" my breakfast, i will use either egg beaters or the egg white beaters and make about 3 eggs worth of just eggs in the morning, since medifast now has eggs on the menu. If i could afford it, i would do it all through medifast, but i can't so i just have found these cheap alternatives.

    Also, if you can't afford it anymore, just always keep it low carb, around 80-110 and high protein, around 100 or more. eat lost of veggies and just use portion control. 6. oz lean meat and 3 servings veggies

    The first three days to a week you might have withdrawls, but just HANG IN THERE!!! They will go away. And drink lots and lots of water....this will curb the false hunger pangs that you may experience.....and make sure to eat every 2-3 hours or else you really will have hunger pangs!

    ps. for coffee lovers get any sugar free coffemate creamer from the fridge section(only 2 carbs i think)..get light kraft dressing(3 carbs i believe) and if you are at a mexican restaraunt, get a salad and use the salsa as dressing.....

    feel free to add me if you need any encouragement or no expert, just as a forwarning
  • augustamber
    I've just started on the medifast plan. The food seems totally doable, not at all as bad as I'd imagined. Looking forward to seeing how this all works out! Good luck to you!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I just started on Wednesday and have already lost 4lbs :) I needed something to kick-start me. My mom lost around 65 pounds on it and has had no trouble transitioning off the program and into real food. It teaches you how to eat properly and I'm sleeping better and feeling better already!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some encouragement. I have only recently started really using myfitnesspal and it has ALL the Medifast meals already programmed so it is really easy to keep track!
  • christinamathes
    I just literally received my Medifast food/supplies yesterday and after reading up on everything and speaking with my Life Coach I'll be starting on Sunday. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Any tips or advice? I see some people saying they "tried" it and it didn't work and tasted awful? I honestly don't care if it tastes awful at this point because I am just about to the point of no return here. I will say that I have seen far more people say that the plan has worked and they love it than people that had anything negative to say about it. Any advice on how to get through the first 3 days would be greatly appreciated as well as helpful hints/tips. THANK YOU!!! :)

    I love being on Medifast. I love that there is no guess work.
    As far as tips go...I've had to experiment with the cooking of the food a bit. The eggs are GREAT, but it works best to cook them 30 secs at a time, and stir really well in between...otherwise they get pretty rubbery.
    Also, the chicken and rice soup is my fave, but it helps to mix the water in a few hours before you actually cook it, to soften the rice.
    My best friend is on Medifast also, and she found that by themselves, the banana shakes are not very good...but if you mix in a little peanut butter, they are AWESOME : )
    Good luck!
  • lissa71
    lissa71 Posts: 44 Member
    I ordered my food yesterday - hoping this is the answer for me. :-)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I don't care for the soups (although the beef stew seems to be the best) or the pancakes, I like the bars and the shakes and those little snack puffs. I think that the next order will remove those items I'm not real fond of.
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    the eggs need salsa.. or something, lol

    I've been on medifast and lost about 30lbs in 2 months. I've also been a coach and sold the product, as has about half of my office.

    I think its a fabulous way to jump start weight loss for some. For those that can deal with the restrictions long term and know they will absolutely not cheat or rush the transition phase then a longer plan is great for them. I've known and still know people that did well short term and long term,

    For me it was not the right plan, but like everything in life no one plan suits us all ( except maybe the daily breathing thing, lol). If your coach is committed to staying the course with you, and you keep up your enthusiasm and dedication, you can do very well with the program. Looks like there are several like minded people on here that would be a wonderful support system.

    I still have some of the products and will use them for small snacks and that works well for me. I think tracking foods and seeing where your daily calories are coming from with the help of this site will help you in the end as you will get used to the calories that are in foods and portion sizes.. which will make transition easier.

    as far as the foods go .. you will have to find what you like and don't like... i personally hate the oatmeal, eggs, and cream soups.... but love the beef stew, chili and puddings, lol
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I also am on the Medifast plan, it is not a quick fix or fad diet. Yes it is restrictive but that is what I like. Food is good I don't use some of the items I stay more with puffs, soft serve, brownies, bars, pretzels, shakes. Not any soups and little oatmeals. This program saved my life and I love it, as for people who gain weight back well I went off program for almost a year and only gained my 8 lbs of water back. Really look at inches more then weight since our water weight changes so much. Anyone that needs or wants some support with this program may friend me. I use my fitness pal to track my foods because it is easier then the mymedifast website. Congrats to those who are using this program you have found an amazing plan.