Hello!!!! I need to lose over 40lbs, anyone want to join me?

Hello this lovely morning. I've made the decision that I need to lose weight. Dr. said I'm on the outskirts of being diabetic. I'm here looking to make friends along this weight loss journey.



  • hjackson1226
    hjackson1226 Posts: 124 Member
    I am in this to lose between 40 and 50. What is going to be your plan of attack? Is there any particular program you will be following?
  • neurochick414
    neurochick414 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning Ladies! I am looking to lose 40 pounds myself. I am tracking my foods daily and going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I also have a personal trainer that I work with one day a week (that's all I can afford). It's going slow. I don't notice big # changes on the scale but I notice my clothes are fitting a bit nicer. I've only been at it for the last 6-7 weeks.
  • gingerlemongirl
    gingerlemongirl Posts: 3 Member
    I need to lose at least 50, and hoping for eventually 65 - 70... would love to have some more contacts on MFP to help me stay motivated!!
  • MamaHokie
    MamaHokie Posts: 36 Member
    I'll join you! Sending friend request...
  • angella_jacobs93
    angella_jacobs93 Posts: 54 Member
    I have about 40 lbs to go :) we can be friends...I "like" and comment on just about everything...kinda obsessed with MFP :D
  • ashlynmichelecook2016
    ashlynmichelecook2016 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey ladies!! I also want to lose about 30-40 pounds! Would love to have some friends on MFP seeing as I don't have any right now! I need some encouragement and motivation!
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    Hi. i lost 40... then gained 20... GRRRRRR... and lost motivation. Anyway, Ive got 50 to go and if i could make it a straight line I'd be super happy but its like a mountain range... up down up down up down... Im not the best example but if you need any moral support Im here... Good luck!
  • meaghandyer
    meaghandyer Posts: 24 Member
    Hi ladies! I am trying to lose 40lbs too. I used to be really athletic and strong (I was a competitive swimmer), but since University my weight has really spiralled and I really want to do something to change it. I am trying to turn my focus away from a number on a scale and back to being a healthy and happier me (I have had problems with obsessing over the tiny numbers before). Although I am not going to worry about numbers on the scale, that is about the amount I need to loose to get back to the healthy body I used to have. I would love to join in with you girls! Support always makes this stuff easier! :smile:
  • Mrsurban2011
    Mrsurban2011 Posts: 27 Member
    I started this plan yesterday and once I'm done I'll move to something a bit harder to keep myself going.

  • Mrsurban2011
    Mrsurban2011 Posts: 27 Member
    I've sent many of friend requests.
  • Mrsurban2011
    Mrsurban2011 Posts: 27 Member
    I'll try to weigh myself every two weeks, but I hate scales...lol their mean to me :-)
  • bricks2nd
    bricks2nd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I could also use some support! I've got about 50 more to lose. I'm finally getting somewhere but really only have my hubby supporting me. Could use some friends. This is my first venture into the forums so I hope I'm doing this correctly.
  • Katiess_1128
    Katiess_1128 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm looking to lose 40lbs as well :smile: Currently at 175. Looking for friends for motivation and encouragement!
  • hjackson1226
    hjackson1226 Posts: 124 Member
    I'll try to weigh myself every two weeks, but I hate scales...lol their mean to me :-)

    I HATE scales. I am making it my goal this go around to not be scale obsessed.

  • Mrsurban2011
    Mrsurban2011 Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe we can check in daily/weekly to make sure we stay on track. Like right now I would love a coke and chips but I will eat my chicken and beans :-)
  • emmalilypad
    emmalilypad Posts: 36 Member
    I'm with you! Need to lose 40 too. I broke my leg in January and I'm finally getting back on track. Please add me everyone! Always looking for friends.
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    Just added several of you. Anyone I missed feel free to add me too. Down 7 with 40 more to go.
    We can do this. :)
  • dewdevil
    dewdevil Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose 80! 20 down so far. Would love some motivation
  • Mrsurban2011
    Mrsurban2011 Posts: 27 Member
    Good job opalle! Hi Emmalilypad
  • trinidarkie1981
    trinidarkie1981 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I need to lose 150 lbs. Trying to build a group of friends who support each other on this journey. Would love to link with people who inspire and motivate others and are interested in having that core group of supportive friends here on MFP