losing motavation

i was doing very well but now i seem to be gaining weight and losing all motavation. right now im sick so dont want to go to the gym and i always go by my self so i dont feel like going. i want to try and join some of the classes but just dont seem motavated to go any advice to help me keep going i keep coming on here everyday but doesn't seem to be helping


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,024 Member
    It is really hard when you start losing motivation. When this happens to me I go look at the successes everyone has had here, I go on youtube and look at some of the weight loss stories ,and read stories to try to gain motivation, It has to come from within
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    and that was aimed right at your *kitten*! if you are unhappy as is, your are going to be even more unhappy in a month or two when it's even worse. you *are* worth it, so go. if you can't believe that, no one else can convince you. you *can* do this - keep your chin up and stay the course - you've got this!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hope i didn't leave too much of a bruise on your bum...:flowerforyou:
  • ContinuousEffort
    I think you still are motivated if you log on here everyday. It's small steps that someday lead us to our goals. If you are losing motivation for exercise or over eating, just try to change one little thing at a time, like switch to plain popcorn instead of eating chips or other snacks. Things like that. Go for a short walk. Stop paying attention to the scale, and instead work on staying in calories each day and eating exercise calories. Slowly, I'm noticing it works. Imagine if you did small changes for a year, over a years time you would be healthier and fitter. It's not a battle for one day, but to change how you think, and how you want to live your life.
    I have always had all kinds of issues with the gym. I'm not sure I like exercising with other people because actually I get really crabby when I exercise. I'm just doing things on my own until I decide to give the gym another shot. I'm walking with my dog, and
    then last weekend at a garage sale I found an exercise bike for $25. dollars. I haven't exactly ridden it much, but will someday and it's in my living room so I remember that I am making changes.
    Try to be positive and not to push yourself for results when this is a long journey of learning and changing.

    You can friend me if you like and we can motivate each other!
  • tataliciousd89
    Don't give up! I got the flu 3 months ago and haven't been back to the gym since. I'm just now getting back on track. Don't be like me. When i start to lose motivation i go to ROSS and buy myself a cute new outfit thats just a size or two too small (a yellow sun dress this time). Hang it up somewhere so you see it every day. It's almost summer, so have fun with it.
  • ContinuousEffort
    p.s. I eat at McDonald's at least once a week, and love it there. I used to get a big mac, large fry, and medium coke. Now I get two regular hamburgers and a diet coke and am still very happy with that. The amount of calorie difference is a lot.
  • ContinuousEffort
    I love that idea of getting a sundress too small at Ross when loosing motivation!! I'm going to start doing that too.
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    Best thing is to start fresh tomorrow. What I mean change up your diet and exercise. You may need a partner like most people. If you are shy like me or don't know anyone then the best bet is to pair up with someone on here. And you two keep eachother accountable for your actions. Don't look back and think about how you feel about what happen last night. Think about how to make your future better. Also you can sit down and rethink why you need to loss the weight. Best advice : If your first thought is feeling you have to do it then you are setting yourself up to fail. You need to feel like you are doing this to help you succeed in life. No one can do that part for you, but I want you to know that I am here everyday and if you need a shoulder to cry on or lean that am here. We may not know each other yet, but remember am going through the same thing as you are :)

    Some idea's on how to change up your diet is to go out and buy a brand new cookbook and different ways to cook healthy foods. Try new things that you never thought to try. One thing is though don't feel like you have to eat perfect all the time. I don't and most of the people have their days that they don't eat great. Bob from biggest loser says that if you can stay on your diet for 6 days straight then on the 7th eat whatever you want because you deserve it. Plus your body will be in burning mood and so it will burn the calories faster then if you never were on a diet.

    Remember: We don't fall off the wagon, we human just trip and what do we do when we trip ? Get right back up and keep going because we know at the end of the day we will still be farer ahead then we were before.

    You can do anything, I know you can and you will. :) I hoped I helped :/
  • kshepherds
    kshepherds Posts: 20

    and that was aimed right at your *kitten*! if you are unhappy as is, your are going to be even more unhappy in a month or two when it's even worse. you *are* worth it, so go. if you can't believe that, no one else can convince you. you *can* do this - keep your chin up and stay the course - you've got this!

    Awesome!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!
  • meganbarnes27
    Reading all of these suggestions for motivation was very helpful to me even though I wasn't the one who wrote that I needed help. I also liked the idea of changing one thing at a time to make a gradual, yet permanent healthier lifestyle. I seem to find that I get the most motivation from myself. Yes, my friends and family are there to cheer me on, but I think it is much harder to be a healthier person if you don't want to really do it for yourself. Hang in there everyone! :)
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member

    this video got my booty to the gym today = )
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Want to know what motivates me when I feel myself starting to drift away from eating right and going to the gym?

    My before picture. I know that bad food choices and a lack of exercise (along with unhappiness) is what led me to look like that. Do I want to look like that again? Do I want to feel winded trying to walk up stairs? Do I want to shop in the plus size clothes again?

    NO to all of those. THAT is my motivation. Now. It's your turn. Figure out WHY you're doing this and think about how your life has changed because you have done it.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Make it count. :)
  • glcarr65
    glcarr65 Posts: 74
    I am in the same boat with you right now...
    I am trying so hard to get re focused but I just can't seem too...

    I woke up this morning determined to make it a good day!!!!

    Get going ... You can do it