New & already blew it! lol

jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I just joined the site tonight. While I was filling out my profile my husband and son came home with pizza and fun size candy bars leftover from their scout meeting. Oh dear! 2 fun size candy bars and one slice of pizza later and I am so in the red. Here's to a better tomorrow!



  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    :smile: Dont worry it gets easier
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    it could have been worse! Just move past it and don't let slip ups make you discouraged!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Remember that tomorrow is a new day.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    We all did; and do. It takes time to build confidence, resolve, will power, and habits, etc. but they will come. Feel free to add me if you want support, etc.
  • wishn2binAZ
    wishn2binAZ Posts: 40 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! Old habits are hard to break.....just keep going towards the new ones :smile:
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Oof tough one. I'm fortunate in that my wife and I are both undertaking this together, and since we don't have kids, it's easier to control what comes into the house. Although, that strategy doesn't ALWAYS work. lol

    Best of luck reaching your goals! This site can definitely be instrumental in realizing them. :smile:
  • radio_flyer
    radio_flyer Posts: 85
    We all do it ... I do it about once a week -- just be honest and log in it your diary, then jump right back on the horse tomorrow!!! :smile:
  • radio_flyer
    radio_flyer Posts: 85
    We all do it ... I do it about once a week -- just be honest and log in it your diary, then jump right back on the horse tomorrow!!! :smile:
  • cc_campbell81
    cc_campbell81 Posts: 622
    Don't stress. Everyday won't be perfect. The key is to just keep working at it and moving in the right direction.
  • johannamed
    johannamed Posts: 1
    Well, you are one up on me! I can't even get started!
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I agree, slip ups are going to happen and everyone wants a cheat day once in a while. I do think it's really beneficial to enter everything on the days you overeat though. For me, it's really helpful to see how much I went over, not only on calories but on sugar and fat too. It helps you make better choices the next day, week, etc.
  • MissWendyBird
    MissWendyBird Posts: 15 Member
    Don't worry about it. I've done that many times too. Just get back on the wagon the next day and things will be fine.

    One suggestion: Have a splurge day where you eat what you want and don't count calories. I have one every week that I can look forward to. I switch it my day up too so I don't have a bad day.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Simply becoming aware of what you are putting in to your body is a great success. So often, we just eat stuff becaue it's there. Using MFP will help wth your awareness and soon you may eat one piece of pizza, a salad and one fun size bar instead of eating more just because its there. It's okay to indulge, just not all the time. For me, when I feel like I have to deprive myself, it makes me really want it and if/when I give in I end up overindulging. It's better to let myself have a treat without beating myself up about it. So, enjoy every bite of your pizza and candy, but really pay attention next time when you feel satisfied with that. You may surprise yourself and decide you don't really want that at all. Be kind to yourself.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    OMG, that is funny. Almost the same happened to me tonight. My son called as I was on my way home from work and asked if I would stop and get pizza and ravioli from his favorite place. I did, but while I was waiting for the order I stepped next door to Trader Joe's and got myself a nice little pre-made salad and a tiny healthier pizza! TREAT!! But, at least I won't eat gobs of cheese ravioli and 6 slices of pizza which I would have done in the "before time".

    But seriously, it does get better. I changed my mind set about food a few weeks ago, got serious about weightlifting and joined this site a few days ago. I am down 10 pounds from the time I committed to the change of attitude. (Down about 3 lbs since joining MFP) And I don't feel starved or cheated in any way. I love it!

    Good luck!!
  • adgravett
    adgravett Posts: 1 Member
    Jess... It's ok. We can't be 100% good all the time. If you slip don't get down on your self go for a walk (earn additional calories) as punishment :-) Ask your family to help out not tempt you!!! Maybe have one day a week set aside for family fun meals. Then walk with the family after the meal.
  • tuacsmm
    tuacsmm Posts: 24 Member
    Tomorrow is a brand new day! You can do you go through this journey you will learn how to still enjoy your favorite foods, with little alterations to them. You will get the hang of it.....Don't give up!
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