New Mom, Newly Single, New Outlook On Life!

ksuero Posts: 5
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hello World!

This is K signing in officially! I am 25 (26 in two weeks) with a 6 month old and loving being a stay at home mom! I lost my job when I was 5 months preggers and have been looking ever since. I planned to do so many awesome things in my time off from work: concentrate on my pregnancy, focus on my son, continue with school and work on my weight. I did the first two and the second two items on my list are harder to get a hold of for some reason :-/ I just recently got out of (today actually) a relationship with the father of my child and boyfriend of four years. I am tired of watching everyone pass me by while I sit and watch time slip away and feel sorry for myself. I've been mourning the loss of my wasted years and have been using that as an excuse to not get serious! I want to make a change for me and my son. I just want to start this journey for the last time and stick to it, I know I can! Anyone out there tired of the set backs and broken promises to yourself? Make this year great (next 365 days) and get addicted to success! I feel it every day when my son smiles and I know it will be icing on the cake as I watch the pounds melt away. Its not too late! Ready, set, go.......

Height: 5' 6'
Weight: 291
Goal Weight: ???? I don't have one!!!!!! I just want to be healthy and like the way I look! I'll know when I get there!


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome--you've come to the right place for support and information. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. :smile:
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Hello K,
    Welcome to mfp. I too hit that point on the scale and said "What the...?" It's amazing what we can do when we set our mind to it. Best Wishes to you and your new baby.
  • tuacsmm
    tuacsmm Posts: 24 Member
    Hi K,
    I, too, am a single mom who experienced a breakup with my son's father after he turned 2 years old. His father and I were in an 11 year relationship, now talk about setbacks-LOL! Honestly, you will experience ups and downs but the most important thing is never to give up. You have to go through the fire, famine, and flood to come out victorious. Don't settle for being a victim, be a victor!
  • ksuero
    ksuero Posts: 5
    Lol! Love the name skinnyjeanzbound! Thanks! I'll add ya, once I figure out how :-)
  • ksuero
    ksuero Posts: 5
    Hi Irene8509......I definitely had a big HUH???? moment when I looked at the scale! Thanks for the encouragement :-)
  • jpalmer7384
    jpalmer7384 Posts: 23
    Your story is familiar to me, feel free to add me. I am a single mom of 3 kids, unemployed and trying to go to school as well as lose weight. I can be a good motivator because I have lots of motivation and determination. After everything I have been through, I deserve this more than anything and that's why I am doing this for me!! :) Welcome!
  • ksuero
    ksuero Posts: 5
    Hi tuacsmm! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! That must have been incredibly hard. You are so right, ups and down are inevitable! And surprisingly, after being in this bad relationship for the time I was, it wasn't hard to go. I have to do what is best for my son and I. Staying around for him is all that matters and I want to get healthy for him more than anyone. I hope you have found solice in status change and wish the best for you and your child :-) God bless!
  • Back here over a year later and so much has changed. The next day, my boyfriend and I reconciled. We were engaged later that year in Sept. 2011. On October 31, 2011 we lost him in a car accident. My world was completely shattered and I'm still trying to piece things together almost 14 months later. He was the love of my life and he would want me to be happy. I'm back as a New Mom, Newly Widowed Woman who is regaining her outlook on life.
  • Hello New Mom..I joined this less than an hour ago, i am turning 50 years old in two weeks. I know nothing about weight loss, but something I do know about is being a single mom. Or even "moms" or "women" in general. I was a single mom at 19 yrs. old. At this time in my life I have 2 children left at home. A terrific 16 yr. old son and a 12 year old daughter that is severely disabled, much like a 6 month old baby, her time with us is short.
    Through watching other women, i.e. mothers, teachers, nurses, therapist I have witnessed women in their deepest grieving and in their tenderest moments, not always the perfect picture, but always with perfect intent. Women are so strong and so inspired! I believe Being a women is such a gift and such a blessing to the world.
    You will find strength you cannot comprehend at this time and you will become stronger and more complete than you believe is possible, you have lost so much, your love, the father of child and yet listen to rally yourself and know your will carry on for your child. Use the strength you see inside yourself to validate your worthiness to give yourself the time to heal and nurture yourself. I was so impressed in the first post I read of yours. I most sincerely wish you Gods abundant blessings for you and your son.
  • haley98110
    haley98110 Posts: 65 Member
    You sound so inspiring. Sounds like you're making the right choices for YOU now. I've felt the same a lot with mourning the loss of wasted time I've spent being unhappy. Sometimes my relationships with everyone I know suffer because I am so depressed about myself.
    I hope your journey goes great. Congrats with taking the first step to the new you!
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