
In November of 2010 I weighed 360 pounds. I lost about 155 pounds by August 2011 (way to fast ) and plateaued for a dreadful 9 months. Then I was able to drop another 10 - 15 and maintain it until this past January/ February. I hurt my back and right knee making most anything very painful, especially exercise. By May I was able to start working out again, but I had gained some weight, depression kinda hit and then that funk people talk about set in. All total I have gained 30 pounds. But this past week I have done good at shaking off the funk and have reviewed my notes from nutrition Classes I took 18 months ago. A goal to drop the 30 lbs. by Christmas is what I am shooting for. One thing I really learned the hard way..... Or the easy way, depending on the point of view. You gain weight back 5 times faster than you lose it. I always knew the human body had muscle memory, I didn't know it had fat memory


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I feel you on the injury front. I lost 30lbs on here before, got complacent and lazy (as well as going through a divorce) and gained 20lbs back. I also broke my ankle and had extensive surgery 9 months ago and I am still recovering, but cleared to exercise so I am no longer making excuses. I will get these 20lbs plus another 20 off! :)
  • tjohnoconnor
    tjohnoconnor Posts: 58 Member
    I'm sure you will :)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member

    You ppl are awesome!