um... help?

so i'm on a budget i have $300 a month (roughly) to spend on food, what are some healthy QUICK snacks i can buy and eat at work, (think of something you could eat in the car) that don't need refrigerated? i'm SO sick of not eating for hours then gorging myself on junk and my tummy is all icky feeling after. and this may be a little personal but i've been having a lot of gas and not going for days then all of a sudden i can't stop going, if you know what i mean. so something to help with that would be great!


  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    triscuit thins! I love them. Also i keep pre-packaged oatmeal at work. And usually always have an apple in my purse :)
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I love vanilla wafers - you get 8-11 per serving (depending on the brand). It's a sweet treat that's not a lot of cals. I also love pretzels - you get TONS in a serving. And if you're looking for protein you could do string cheese or hard-boiled eggs if you have an ice-pack to keep them with.
  • iiliiPhoenixiilii
    I munch on pretzels :) You can get a HUGE bag at Wally World for around $2.00...its a great buy!
  • ChristinaRamos
    Just pre package food like oatmeal with splenda and raisins, carrots, celery, and peanut butter, almonds and fruit, or try finding a small cooler with an ice pack.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    GREAT ideas. i also might mention that we have nothing to heat anything but our oven for the pizzas. i work at a papa johns btw, which surprisingly the thought of eating pizza grosses me out so i try to avoid that as much as possible. i think it's time to start my next grocery list for the up coming shopping trip! keep the ideas coming!

    OH and we have a walkin cooler i could keep the stuff in it's just that were not supposed to have anything in there unless we have a designated shelf for employee food and drinks which no one has gone and arranged yet so i guess that's a project for me to do there...
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Fruit - I always take an apple or orange to work
    Protein Bars - I like Pure Protein Bars (they have lots of protein and only 3g sugar) or Granola Bars
    Rice cakes, Low sodium chips, Nuts

    You could also get a small cooler and take other stuff
    Hard Boiled Eggs
    Greek Yogurt

    I'm on a budget too, I usually spend less than $200 a month on groceries.
  • markawillis
    markawillis Posts: 20
    Bumblebee - Fat Free Tuna Salad Kit only 150 calories and sometimes on sale for only $1.00. I also eat a lot of dole 100% juice fruit cups. no sugar and no artificial sweets. I practically live out of my work truck, and these two items are always in my truck.
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    If you're allowed to eat the food from the pizza place, maybe you could make a salad from the veggies?
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Snyder's Pretzel Nibblers, you get 16 in a serving and I find that it's actually satisfying. Also Wheat thins :) And maybe you could pop some popcorn before leaving and bring it with you?
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    I munch on pretzels :) You can get a HUGE bag at Wally World for around $2.00...its a great buy!

    oh man i <3 wally world! great value brand everything in my house...
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    OH by the way, since you're on a budget, you should clip coupons for the foods you like/buy and try to shop at Walmart. Snack foods (even healthy ones) are almost always cheaper there and with a coupon you could probably get way more than at a regular grocery store.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I love the bumble bee tuna salad kit...there's also two chicken kits...i get them at the dollar store. I sometimes get a few and keep them in my locker at work.
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Fruit - I always take an apple or orange to work
    Protein Bars - I like Pure Protein Bars (they have lots of protein and only 3g sugar) or Granola Bars
    Rice cakes, Low sodium chips, Nuts

    You could also get a small cooler and take other stuff
    Hard Boiled Eggs
    Greek Yogurt

    I'm on a budget too, I usually spend less than $200 a month on groceries.

    I wish I could spend 200 a month! I have 3 kids so I spend more like 150-200 a WEEK :(
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    OH by the way, since you're on a budget, you should clip coupons for the foods you like/buy and try to shop at Walmart. Snack foods (even healthy ones) are almost always cheaper there and with a coupon you could probably get way more than at a regular grocery store.
    I wish I could get one of those "extreme couponers" to do all my shopping for me! ... *sigh*
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    celery sticks
    baby carrots
    apple with almond butter
    cheese strings
    Kashi cereal (I eat it dry)
    nuts and rasisins (or other dried fruit) measured into a snack bag
    wasabi coated peas (get mine from Bulk barn)
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    OH by the way, since you're on a budget, you should clip coupons for the foods you like/buy and try to shop at Walmart. Snack foods (even healthy ones) are almost always cheaper there and with a coupon you could probably get way more than at a regular grocery store.

    i only shop at walmart... our last shopping trip we walked out with two carts full and only spent 170 maybe including cat food, dinner plates and a vacuum cleaner belt. :)
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Fruit - I always take an apple or orange to work
    Protein Bars - I like Pure Protein Bars (they have lots of protein and only 3g sugar) or Granola Bars
    Rice cakes, Low sodium chips, Nuts

    You could also get a small cooler and take other stuff
    Hard Boiled Eggs
    Greek Yogurt

    I'm on a budget too, I usually spend less than $200 a month on groceries.

    I wish I could spend 200 a month! I have 3 kids so I spend more like 150-200 a WEEK :(

    right! our $300 a month barley scrapes us by the last week of the month it's slim pickins around here. it's me my fiance our 18 month old and our room mate. but boys eat A LOT!
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    OH by the way, since you're on a budget, you should clip coupons for the foods you like/buy and try to shop at Walmart. Snack foods (even healthy ones) are almost always cheaper there and with a coupon you could probably get way more than at a regular grocery store.

    i only shop at walmart... our last shopping trip we walked out with two carts full and only spent 170 maybe including cat food, dinner plates and a vacuum cleaner belt. :)

    Very cool :) My Walmart kinda sucks about restocking, but I shop there for all of my kid's snacks, cereal, toiletries and pet supplies. I miss my Super Walmart that I had when we lived in
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    Apples, oranges, any 'hand' fruit that doesn't squirt everywhere. Get a freezer pack and something to put it in (thermal lunch bag if you have it.) Seriously worth it. Then you can expand to cheeses, little sandwiches, yogurt, etc. I like Nugo bars. Baked oatmeal eaten cold is good. Baby carrots. I'm not a cracker fan as I plow through them then just want more. hard boiled eggs. mini bagels and peanut butter. Kashi cereal (I like the warm cinnamon one that looks like cheerios) in baggies as snacks. Cold noodles / salad dishes. Cold rice and bean dishes. If you have a thermos it could be hot soup too. :)