How to stop binge eating..

I eat 1400-1500 calories everyday without any problems.. then when I'm with my friends on the weekend, I end up eating 3000+ calories within a few hours. I've tried everything.. eating before I arrive, bringing my own healthy foods but once I get there, there's loads of booze, crisps, chocolate and they order takeaway which I can never resist. I went to my friends house last night, convinced that I was gonna eat around 400 calories and not drink but I ended up eating 6 apple pies, a multipack of crisps to myself, chips from the takeaway and a bottle of wine. I feel really guilty and bloated now. This always happens. I've been 11 stone for months now and I'm not losing.. because I eat so much every Sunday. Any tips? I'm gonna start exercising (I've just got that 30 min shred DVD) but I wanna stop binging completely. I don't mind treating myself.. like, eating 1800 calories once a week but I always go crazy and end up eating way over 3000 as I have no self control at all. I've only had 800 calories today as I'm so full after yesterdays binge.. I still feel bloated as hell now (It's like this every Monday)


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Which comes first, the booze or the food?
  • leahxxoo
    leahxxoo Posts: 23 Member
    Tbh, I know drinking makes me eat more and it's full of calories I know, so I try not to drink often. Last night was the first time I'd drank in like 6 weeks, but I would've eaten loads even if I hadn't of drank. I've been thinking, and maybe the only way to stop this happening is to stop visiting my friends every week.. maybe visiting once a month instead or something. But that's a bit extreme, init? But I can't see any other way. I've tried to get them to go on walks with me instead lol, but they're not interested in that.. they just wanna get together and binge eat/drink.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    You can make lighter cocktails - anything with club soda or diet soda, or of course just shots of clear booze lol...not that I recommend that...but it won't help with the way it lowers your resistance. That can get better with practice but that practice comes at a price so maybe also not your best option.

    What about other activities? Think of stuff that has drinking but isn't just sitting around drinking. Bars with pool/darts? I dunno...I had to stop socializing so much :(
  • leahxxoo
    leahxxoo Posts: 23 Member
    I go to the pub every Wednesday with them for quiz night and I just drink water or black tea, no problem. It's just when we're all sat in my friends for hours and junk food is everywhere.. that's when I go crazy xD Do you think it's ever ok to do this? Like, once a month maybe? Or is it best to avoid it altogether? I made a list of what I was gonna drink and eat so that I wouldn't go crazy but after 2 packets of crisps, I was like fkkk it, YOLO (like I do every week) then today I felt so bad :/ Thanks for the help :D
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    I have the same problem. Whenever i go out or to friend's i eat way to much. I cant stop. Went to my buddy's dad's house for the 4th and ate about 3k calories worth of food. That was a good day. I hadnt eaten all day and i ended up being ok calorie wise for the day but i know exactly what you mean. Other times i eat way more than that. Even though i tell myself i cannot i end up still doing it. So frustrating. Its mental. Sorry I cant help, only relate...
  • smr09012
    smr09012 Posts: 42 Member
    This might not be the best option, but I realized I was doing something very similar (except with a bowl of pimento cheese and a box of crackers). If I went way overboard, I wouldn't let myself go the next week. Then I knew, as my *kitten* was sitting home, bored, that all of my friends were having fun and I was alone because I had no self-control. After two "punishment Fridays," I haven't done it since. Sometimes you have to go tough love on yourself.