Healthy food ideas

Lately I've found myself less motivated to cook my own meals. I work six days out of the week but I still want to make an effort to prepping on my day off. I only know a couple healthy meal prep ideas, which discourages me to prepping my meals. I do enjoy salads but I don't know any salad recipes. If anyone has a website that I could go to for all kinds of healthy recipes I would be so happy if u shared them with me.


  • Kattyowers
    Kattyowers Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, my sister in-law has created her own website with lots of healthy easy to follow tasty recipes and I think this could help on food ideas check out her website hope this helps ;)
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    KCJ120 wrote: »
    Lately I've found myself less motivated to cook my own meals. I work six days out of the week but I still want to make an effort to prepping on my day off. I only know a couple healthy meal prep ideas, which discourages me to prepping my meals. I do enjoy salads but I don't know any salad recipes. If anyone has a website that I could go to for all kinds of healthy recipes I would be so happy if u shared them with me.

    Healthy is subjective. What are you looking for specifically?
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    I find a couple good meals and stick with them and only experiment when I have some days off. I work my day job five days a week but have a second contract job so I understand the "busy" thing (although my second job is on and off).

    I make a lot of meals with rice. Put rice in a rice cooker and it's sooooo easy.

    I generally just make full meals twice a week and make extras for lunches. I have smoothies once in a while. And I have a protein shake or oats for breakfast so that is super easy.

    One of my favourite sites is ohsheglows so I'd recommend checking that one out :)

    I also sometimes make salads if I'm bored of my lunch. But really I just put in lettuce/spinach and whatever I have in the fridge - tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms, olives, avocado, nuts.... I generally have a couple of those things.
  • KCJ120
    KCJ120 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm looking to loose fat. So I want to eat healthy but still eat a reasonable amount of food. My main goal for my weight is to slim down but still have curves. Eating wise I would like to find healthier snack ideas, something that is easy to travel with, salad ideas, fulfilling lunches and dinners. I hope this gives u a better idea of what I'm looking for.