Trying to gain muscle while losing a little fat

I'm new to MFP and I am sitting at a lean 200 pounds and I am looking to lose the last 5-10 pounds of fat and continue to put on muscle by really dialing in my diet. I am doing a higher protein and lower carb diet and focus on having a heavier morning diet and lighter evening diet in order to maximize my body's ability to burn calories efficiently while doing heavy lifting and cardio in the morning 6-7 days a week. Any advice would great!


  • nolacox884
    nolacox884 Posts: 11 Member
    Keep doing that :) Sorry, I'm new and just wanted to send my first msg to someone and see how this works. Good luck
  • nolacox884
    nolacox884 Posts: 11 Member

  • BexiM89
    BexiM89 Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds like you've got it covered. Think you should be given me advice lol.
  • Cass2025
    Cass2025 Posts: 82 Member
    Have you tried carb cycling ?