
Hi I'm Tara and am on day 5 on P90X. Im so motivated right now!! Anyone else??


  • baby_becks
    baby_becks Posts: 15
    I'm on day 4 of the lean so yoga for me today! which plan are you doing ... I'm in the UK it's not that well known here x
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm 7 Days ways from becomin' a P90X LEAN Graduated :happy:

    I FREAKIN' love P90X & Tony Horton

    June 6th My Team & I are startin' P90X Classic & some will be doin' Doubles...

    Very excited to BRING IT & gain up my muscle on the Classic Doubles :smile:

    Best wishes your P90X Journey :happy:
  • sheets03
    sheets03 Posts: 18
    lean program here. Doing some lifting on my own time :)
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    just restarted my P90x workouts this week. been hard keeping up with working 12 hour night shifts. but will finish the phase 1 in time for my family vacation !
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    I'm starting on Monday! How are you finding it so far? x
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm on day 4 of phase 3 on the P90X lean program. I love it.
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    my hubby and I are starting june 1st. (I have a race this weekend and then a couple recovery days and then we are hitting it)
  • ASLT
    ASLT Posts: 7
    I love it! Although I am sore as hell. I live in Sweden and no one has heard of it. I did plyo 2 days in a row bc the first time I didnt bring it bc I was worried id wake the neighbors. LOL! She just had a baby 3 days ago. I did plyo in the day and then yoga in the night time....yea I'm hurting. What are the calorie needs for ya'll?
  • ASLT
    ASLT Posts: 7
    I hope we can stay motivated and help eachother. Im really excited by it.
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I will be mixing the p90x in with my runs and I do a group circuit session twice a week. I have to play around with it a bit to make it all work!
  • ASLT
    ASLT Posts: 7
    Do any of you do anything extra....lifting or more cardio? What about doing P90X twice in 1 day?? Do all of you follow the diet at 100%? do any of you not diet and just exercise? What about eating clean?? I'm just curious as to what y'all are doing and if your results are from extra added effort. I exercise everyday, I follow the diet somewhat but not too strict. I do not eat clean but am slowly changing that. Do any if you have problems with the AB portion? I can not do 1 fill sit up:-( that seems to be the hardest for me. Yoga was harder than plyo on my opinion.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    If you're able to I would suggest doing some extra cardio with the program. I wouldn't lift twice a day. It is best to eat as clean as you can, follow the nutrition suggestions and keep your protein intake high. You may need to get a good protein shake that is low in sugar, such as Jay Robb protein.