11hr per day desk job is killing me


I'm looking to make supportive friends who understand the difficulties of desk based jobs, long hours and a distinct lack of eating routine.

I've gained around 3st in a year in this job and feel as though it's slowly killing me.

Please, please, please don't tell me to change my job. If it were possible, I would :)

I look forward to making some great friends who can support and who I can return the favour!


  • jodibelle
    jodibelle Posts: 79 Member
    I totally understand what you're saying. I work a minimum of 10 hours a day at a desk job. And I can't even go walk around really because I'm at a manufacturing facility in the middle of a corn field. So no where to walk to....

    I've been trying to get better about planning out my meals and snacks so that I can get on a routine. And I am working in whatever extra movement I can through out the day.

    You can add me if you want!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I sit at a desk up to 10 hours daily...i put in a lot of ot. I go to the gym at least 6 times weekly...before i go to work.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I also work a desk job. I finally put my foot down and decided that walks around the block were imperative to my well-being, so I do that at least once, and sometimes several times per day. I keep healthy snacks in my drawer and prepare healthy meals to bring to work. I also keep ankle weights under my desk and strap them on and just move my legs around, or put them around my wrists and move my arms around. My coworkers are used to my weirdness by now.
  • distactedlyme
    distactedlyme Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the tips!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    go to the gym and walk on your breaks, eat at a deficit. log everything and hold yourself accountable
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I schedule myself to take breaks, if I don't schedule them I'll work right through them. I set a reminder to walk and go walk the parking lot a couple times a day. You have to get over feeling silly the first few times but then you realize how happy it makes you feel and forget about the silly part.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I also have a desk job. I'm at work by 5:15 and usually don't get off until 3:30. I am normally being pulled in 20 different directions so it can be hard to eat on a schedule. I was still able to lose about 35 pounds by just watching my calories. It is 100% possible to lose weight with a desk job and little to no exercise. Don't let that hold you back!

    Once I hit a "normal" BMI, losing weight was a little harder so I started throwing in exercise. I got a fitbit and worked toward 10,000 steps a day. Anytime I have down time (waiting for computer to load, conference call, ect) I pace around my desk. I go to the farthest bathroom from my desk (in my small building it's only an extra 150 steps but it all adds up). I park further away in the parking lot and go the long way around my building on the way out. If I can get away and it's a nice day, I'll try to go for a 5-10 minute walk (doesn't happen often). I walk circles in my kitchen while I'm cooking or just circles in my living room if I have a few extra minutes. I also lift weights for 45 minutes 3x a week at home. All these little things don't make much of a difference on their own but all together it helped me lose those last 5-10 pounds and also allows me to maintain my weight and have cake every night.

    Again, you can lose weight just fine without exercise but the more you move, the more you can eat! You can do this!!!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Like @jodibelle I work at a manufacturing plant in a cornfield (ok, there are beans this year... crop rotations and such). I could find a reason to walk around the plant more often (and I should). The hours are not quite as bad, but I'm also working on a graduate degree. So between those 2 things, I average about 60-70 hours per week sitting.

    The two things I can suggest: IF you have any free time on any days (weekends or whenever) that you can get outside and be active, do it. I take advantage of the limited free time I have during daylight hours and hike when I can. Unfortunately, I don't always even get a hike in every fortnight.

    I do get to the gym 2-3 times per week, though. Since I live in a rural area, I drive about 50 miles round trip to be able to visit a 24 hour gym (key card access) whenever it fits in my schedule. Sunday morning, I arrived at the gym around 2:40am because that's when I had time to go. Last night, I got to the gym around 8:15pm. Tomorrow night, it will probably be closer to 9pm.

    So the advice I have is to maximize available daylight hours first, and then to find a 24 hour gym next.
  • theawill519
    theawill519 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm in accounting and sit at my desk 10hrs a day. I purchased a fitbit last week and I'm amazed at how much it's motived me to get moving. The goal is to walk 10,000 step in a day, which is roughly 5 miles. The first day I wore it, I walked what I would normally walk and it was just under 2,000 steps... WOW. So then I started finding little ways to walk more. For example, when I print out invoices, I print one at a time and walk to the printer to get them separately. For me, that's approximately 30 steps per trip. Previously, it was my secretary's job to get the mail, but now, I walk out the the mailbox to get it everyday. I also get up and walk at least 200 steps every hour, on the hour.

    Eating well is obviously paramount, as well. I pack my lunch everyday (weighed and logged into MFP) and make sure there is NO WAY to access any other foods. I struggle with self control, so that's a big deal for me.

    Good luck, from one desk jockey to another!
  • IronBatMaiden
    IronBatMaiden Posts: 377 Member
    Yep. I definitely know the feeling of working a desk job. It may pay well (depending on what you do), but it can also prevent you from getting exercise and proper eating in. I find myself often skipping breakfast just because I have no time to make anything. I've gotten into the habit of eating Think Thin protein bars and it's been helping me not only get something in my stomach in the morning, but also stay within my calorie count so I'm not going for the donuts or bagels at the office. Lol
  • cmcbrayer07
    cmcbrayer07 Posts: 1 Member
    I work at a desk just and I'm unable to walk around during work hours. I've started choosing healthier options for meals. My problem is working out, once I get home I just want to relax, which is crazy because all I have been doing is sitting all day. I have reached out to some people so they will hold me accountable in the afternoon.
  • nail_polish
    nail_polish Posts: 16 Member
    Have you tried those mini exercise bike you place under your desk? They are pretty cool.

    My legs don't get numb anymore!
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I was doing this trying to get ahead. Get in early stay late. Diet was terrible and had bad habits - always had donuts, bagels, cookies when they were brought in and I got in a habit of having a diet coke and candy in the afternoon just about every day.

    I just made my health a priority and made sure I got my work out in every morning. Now I get in around 9-930 instead of 730-8. Kicked the snacking habits or made better choices on snacks.
  • racheladkins2002
    racheladkins2002 Posts: 211 Member
    I am in the same boat. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am also looking for support while being at a desk for most of the day!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I was doing this trying to get ahead. Get in early stay late. Diet was terrible and had bad habits - always had donuts, bagels, cookies when they were brought in and I got in a habit of having a diet coke and candy in the afternoon just about every day.

    I just made my health a priority and made sure I got my work out in every morning. Now I get in around 9-930 instead of 730-8. Kicked the snacking habits or made better choices on snacks.


    I tried working long hours. I think I lasted about 2 weeks before I burned out.

    I'd rather shoot myself than work a job that constantly demanded that amount of work every week. My life is worth more to me than a job.

    Also, if my current boss asked me to work like that on a regular basis, I'd tell him to eat a buffet of dicks. Again, my life is worth more than any job.

    I get the whole "I can't change jobs, I'm stuck where I am mentality, or whatever reason people come up with to justify the reason why they torture themselves, but let me ask you this:

    If you were hit by a bus tomorrow and killed, would you die happy with how your life is?
  • Markylon
    Markylon Posts: 2 Member
    Get a stand up desk.

    Walk for an hour before work or after work.

    Bring lunch in and don't eat the office cakes and biscuits.

  • Rogue_Esq
    Rogue_Esq Posts: 24 Member
    I've put myself on a sit-ups and squats challenge, which burns approximately 80 calories per day and builds muscle. It takes barely any time at all (I usually do them before I get ready for work/school or right before bed). It's a really simple way to get in some solid physical activity and the apps I use are motivating because they keep stats on what I've done so far. Any physical activity is better than none, so that might be one thing to try. The apps are runtastic sit-ups and runtastic squats.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited July 2015
    Desk job here...

    - i make sure i get up and just walk around for at least 5 minutes every hour
    - if i need to talk to a colleague or something, I get up and go to there office or cubicle instead of using the phone intercom or email.
    - i work on the 3rd floor...i always take the stairs
    - i use the break-room and bathroom on the 1st floor most of the time...more stairs.
    - i park in one of the furthest spot from my building
    - i brown bag it pretty much always so that I'm in full command of my nutrition
    - i bring my own snacks
    - i either get my ride in early in the morning (like 4:45 AM) or I use my lunch break to ride.
    - i go to the gym 2x weekly after work to lift and then again on Saturday. I usually do a longish ride on Sunday
    - when i get home from work there's always stuff to be done...i have a 3 y.o. and a 5 y.o. so there's that...i'm also the primary cook and general fixer of things around the house and i'm primarily responsible for the yard...so i'm pretty much on my feet doing something for a few hours when i get home.
    - i watch very little t.v....maybe 1/2 hour per night while the wife and i have dinner.
    - we are active as a family and enjoy going to the zoo and walking around for a few hours as opposed to say, staying home and watching a movie...a nice recreational bike ride to the park to play is more up our alley than sitting around the house playing video games....we'd rather go kick the soccer ball around or play catch than watch sports on t.v....etc, etc, etc
    - our primary grocery store is about 1 mile from the house...we like going as a family and walking...we all get in a couple miles, including the dog.
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Hello to all of you. First of all I'm a 52 yr old male, I'm 5'8" and I'm about 25lbs more than I want to weigh. I, like many of you, sit behind a desk punching keys all day long for any where from 8-10 hours. I had a "moment" two weeks ago where I could barley get into my fat jeans (yes I'm a guy and I admit to having "fat" jeans lol). I mean I really was mad at myself for getting this way. So the next day I went and joined a "box". I started CrossFit last week. I am cutting back on my portion size (my main problem), and cutting back on sugar, which I've noticed I've become a sugar addict. So I'm getting up at 4:15 and hitting a 5am CrossFit class then going to work. I'm hoping for some inches being dropped here in the next couple of weeks.
  • ibryar25
    ibryar25 Posts: 4 Member
    I work a desk job as well and purchased a little exercise peddler to go under my desk! It's like an exercise bike, but just the peddles and it fits perfectly under my desk. I'm only 5'4 though. I like it because it gets me a little active during the day and helps when I start feeling restless.

    Wal-Mart - exercise peddler :)