What is your default beverage? What was it growing up?

demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
edited July 2015 in Food and Nutrition
One tip that people give for losing weight is to cut out sodas and juices to get rid of drunk calories. This was not useful to me a few years ago, when I wanted to lose some weight, because I only drink water and black coffee. It makes me curious to hear what most people habitually drink.

When my mother was growing up, she was given water and milk was a treat. Soda was almost unheard of, since they were so poor. When I was growing up, I drank water as my primary beverage. Soda was something that I'd get when we went out to restaurants, so perhaps once a day or every other day (we did not eat at home much). Sometimes, I'd drink tea and Snapple. I didn't care much for fruit juice, and only had it on occasion. I get the impression that soda is now more of a staple/standard drink (or was my family's attitude towards soda unusual for the 80s/90s? I'm not sure).

Anyway, I am curious to hear what is a typical drink nowadays. What do you drink with meals? When you get thirsty in the middle of the day? Was that how you drank in childhood, or has it changed?

Do you like water? I love it, and have been surprised to read that some find it gross tasting.


  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Water is my default drink now. I drink it 90% of the time. I also drink unsweetened iced tea and black coffee. A few times a week I'll have a latte either unsweetened or with zero calorie sweeteners.

    Growing up I drank mainly soda and juice. No wonder I was a chubby kid. LOL!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Iced tea was always a favorite. Homemade with powder, brewed, snapple, Arizona any iced tea! As I got older I fell in love with brewed iced tea with lemon and no sweetener. And coke zero! My current love

    I have always drank water, but so did my family. My SO will not drink it plain unless he's working out. I've known many people that think water is gross. Blows my mind
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Cool/cold water with a passion tea bag slowly steeping in it is my go to now.
    Growing up it was Coke.
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    I drink about two cups of coffee daily, and all the rest is water. I used to live on red Mountain Dew... Talking like 3 two liters a day habit ... Ugh what was wrong with me lol
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    reina1979 wrote: »
    I drink about two cups of coffee daily, and all the rest is water. I used to live on red Mountain Dew... Talking like 3 two liters a day habit ... Ugh what was wrong with me lol

    Caffeine addiction, perhaps? ;-) Mountain Dew has a lot, doesn't it?

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I drink water and black coffee mostly.

    Before I started to lose weight - it was soda and coffee creamer with a splash of coffee ;)
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    Growing up it was water and soda. When I was about 19 I stopped drinking soda/sweet tea and after a few months of that I could not go back. Everything that sweet tastes terrible to me now. Now I drink water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee. Also beer and liquor when alcohol.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    reina1979 wrote: »
    I drink about two cups of coffee daily, and all the rest is water. I used to live on red Mountain Dew... Talking like 3 two liters a day habit ... Ugh what was wrong with me lol

    Caffeine addiction, perhaps? ;-) Mountain Dew has a lot, doesn't it?

    Diet mtn dew. Water or unsweetened ice tea. Coffee. Mostly in that order.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    now - water/iced tea/coffee

    growing up - water/milk
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'll go for water, the morning cup of coffee, and the occasional diet soda now. When I really want a treat, or am just having "one of those days" a 190-calorie non-fat caramel macchiato from Starbucks is not out of the question (I try to limit that to under once a month, though - if even that.)

    When I was growing up, it was 1% or 2% milk. Milk with everything - especially pizza and spaghetti. I do kind of wonder if it attributed to being a chubby kid, but it was better than soda all the time, which is what my parents drank. This was during the "milk does the body good" age too, so I'm sure my folks thought it was the best thing for me. Hey - at least I got some protein through it.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Now that I'm running again, water or coffee. Before: Coffee or water. Growing up: Milk or water.

    We don't keep soda in the house except for special occasions as a treat, never as a staple.
  • butternut102
    butternut102 Posts: 1 Member
    I drink quite a bit of water but after a while I get tired of the same ole thing. So, I've been experimenting with a few different drinks. I've made lemonade and strawberry lemonade sweetened with Sweet Leaf Stevia and I've got to say it's pretty darned good.. Next up, I'm going to try making raspberry tea sweetened with the Sweet Leaf Stevia.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Now it's water and tea with the occasional juice or pop as a treat. Growing up as a kid I was given watered down apple juice because I'm allergic to milk. As I got older iced tea, pop and lemonade were my staples.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Now, water with a flavor (Mia type flavor) or my one cup of coffee in the morning with creamer.

    As a kid it was Mt. Dew or Mellow Yellow....only. We would have the 3 liter bottle in the fridge constantly and that would be all I drank.

    I made the switch to diet sodas in college, with a more recent addiction to Diet Dr. Pepper. Gave all that up a year and a half ago. Now I'll have an occasional diet soda or sweet tea if I'm out at a fast food place, but otherwise it's just water.
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    I have always preferred water or plain (unsweetened) iced tea. I occasionally drink a black coffee with a bit of cream in it, no sugar. I just don't care for all of the sweetness of everything else. And like OP I get annoyed when the first advice given to overweight folks is "Stop drinking so much soooodddaaa" because, um, does not apply? Lol. We didn't drink soda growing up, either.
  • reallyregina
    reallyregina Posts: 62 Member
    Water and coffee for me. Growing up was milk. I don't remember drinking anything else really. Rarely drank water. I've always hated water. My kids get orange juice or lemonade in the morning (probably 3-4 oz). The rest of the day they have water. If we are on a road trip or at a party they will have sprite, root beer or water. Neither of them like milk.
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    I am definitely caffeine addicted lol! It's a miracle I have been able to function on 2 little cups of coffee a day :) I completely kicked my soda habit, thank goodness lol.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Right now it's coffee, hot or cold-brewed tea, water, often a glass of pop or sparkling water in the evenings.

    Growing up it was water, juice, milk, sometimes Kool-Aid or powdered ice tea in the summers. We only had pop once a week as a treat on Friday nights.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Growing up - water, milk, mostly. But either Capri Sun or milk with lunch. Soda was a rare treat. Have had a weight problem even in childhood.

    As a grown up - Lots of diet soda and lots of booze (mostly in my late teens and throughout my 20's), and lots of water. In my 30's, lots of coffee and water, and an occasional diet soda. Other than booze, I've had little to no interest in consuming liquid calories via juice, milk, or sugary soda's as an adult.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    We had really clean tap water growing up, and that's what I drank most. I was forced a glass of milk along with my green, fibrous veggies at dinner--bad combo for sensitive bellies, and I still hate milk more than any veggie. Sometimes I would have a glass of grapefruit juice for breakfast, or a can of raspberry ginger ale. But I'm also pretty sure I ate carob long before I got to try chocolate, and I was a candy hoarder who would make my Easter candy last until June. My brother drank mostly milk and soda, and has always been overweight. I saw him for the first time in over 10 years when my father died, and he's the spitting image of comic book guy from the Simpsons. Dad was a water drinker like me, and my mom liked Bud Light best.

    I still drink mostly water. I have a kidney transplant, so water is best. Juice when I'm too sick to eat. Unsweetened tea. Soda and booze are special occasion drinks. My boyfriend likes to celebrate every week, so I will ice down my wine or fill my shot glass half with juice. Or I'll stick with water. Toasting is the best part, anyway.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Water is my drink of choice now. If I have sweets, I'll drink milk, sometimes I'll crave juice, and every now and then I'll drink a Sprite.

    When I was growing up, I drank milk and water and the occasional juice or soda. Just like I do now.

    I am also one of those people who cannot lose weight strictly by dropping a drink choice.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    reina1979 wrote: »
    I am definitely caffeine addicted lol! It's a miracle I have been able to function on 2 little cups of coffee a day :)I completely kicked my soda habit, thank goodness lol.

    Good for you! Not judging you personally, but wow! I cannot imagine drinking that much soda in one day! Just thinking of the sugar overload is making me dizzy.

    I'm a water drinker, myself. Fresh brewed tea both hot and cold and also espresso. I don't understand when people say they don't like water and don't drink it, either.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Water...and of course beer.

    Growing up on a farm - water and milk. Soda was a treat for celebrations/birthdays and my Mom being a nurse would allow Kool-Aid, but only at 1/2 the sugar.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Growing up it was water and milk (2%) and orange juice for breakfast.

    During college and my young adult years it was diet coke and coffee.

    For a period of time it was wine (along with water and coffee and diet soda).

    Now it's water and coffee, although I sometimes have diet coke or diet ginger ale or a flavored water. I love homemade iced tea when I make it, but I've not been remembering to make it so much lately.
  • 123sockmonkey123
    123sockmonkey123 Posts: 50 Member
    Mostly plain water... Fruit2o, coffee, beer, veggie juice, oj, milk, & gallons of unsweet tea.

    My daily was a monster energy with breakfast, & 3 bottles of Pepsi throughout the day. I've totally quit both. Cherry coke is my splurge every couple of months.

    As a child, we had anything you could name to drink. It was always pop with dinner though. Now Mom makes tea sweetened with Splenda.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    As a child, it was mostly iced tea and koolaid, milk at dinner, and the occasional soda or OJ with breakfast on the weekends.

    As a young adult, and earning my own money, it was more and more regular soda, and less of the rest.

    For 10-15 years, 90%+ of my fluid intake was soda, with the rest being water/milk used in cooking, and the very rare glass of juice.

    More recently, I still drink a lot of soda, but now its mostly diet, not full calorie. I try to drink at least 8 oz of some kind of juice every day ( V8 Fushion or Regular mostly ), and half a gallon of water with some kinda flavoring in it ( Crystal light or diluted green tea, etc ).
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Water these days.

    As a kid, Tang and Kool-Aid. People make fun of Tang, but I loved it. :)