Trying out MFP

Junomatic Posts: 16 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all, I'm Juno. I made this account a long time ago, and then left it in favour of another tracker. I've managed to lose 20lbs (from 150 - 126), and I'm working on losing 11 more, to bring myself down to 115lbs.

I've just today signed up for my first 10k run. If all goes well, and I think it will, I'll start training for the half-marathon.

My workout routine is running 10k every other day, biking on my off days, and yoga every day. My 10k takes about 75 minutes. I'm currently working on improving my speed. Hopefully by the race in October, I can be close to 60min.

Give me a shout if you want to chat. I'm always looking for more people to talk with and share motivation with. :)


  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Amazing, I actually just started to train for my first 5K. Hopefully, I will be ready by September. Unfortunately my time window for training is kind of short, so I am mainly training using the treadmill where I'm running 5K in approximately 45 minutes, and obviously I am looking forward to improve that time. This upcoming weekend will be my first time running outside, and I am also doing yoga (bikram), good luck to you.
  • Junomatic
    Junomatic Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you, too.

    If you're already running 5K in 45 minutes, then you'll probably be in great shape for a 5K run in September. When I first started running, I downloaded the C25K app and worked through it. I found it a great program. Currently I'm on the 'squeal', B210K, and it's going well.

    I've never tried Bikram yoga. I should look into it. I've heard mixed things. How do you find it?
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Thanks for the tip. I just downloaded the C25K app (unfortunately not too many decent fitness apps for BlackBerry), and bikram Yoga is really good. I end the sessions completely drained (because of the routine and sweating a lot), but is worth it, at least for me. Feel free to add me. This is like my fifth attempt at myfitnesspal, and I will try to be consistent this time.
  • Junomatic
    Junomatic Posts: 16 Member
    Sure thing! And good luck this time around! I hope C25K works for you. Once I have the money I'll look into taking some Yoga classes. I think there's some studios in town that offer Bikram yoga. Right now I'm limited to Yoga videos on youtube.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    On YouTube yoga rocks!!! I recall doing a program with an instructor called Adriene, she has this amazing program called 30 days of yoga, I just reached day 10, but still the program is really good. Probably you already tried, but in case you didn't here is a link to her videos
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome! I hope the 10k training keeps going well for you
  • Junomatic
    Junomatic Posts: 16 Member
    Yoga with Adriene is awesome! I think she's, at this point, taught me just about everything I know about yoga. I've worked through all of her Foundations series, and about half of her 30-Days. I keep getting distracted, though, and stopping the 30-Days.

    Thanks for the welcome, strozman! So far so good. Here's hoping I keep improving. :)
  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    I am doing my first 10k in August. AND I have been looking into doing Yoga to help with my stretching-running has made my muscles tighten up like crazy. Thanks for the suggestion of You tube yoga!
  • Junomatic
    Junomatic Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck with your 10K! I've found yoga incredibly helpful for keeping any post-running cramps and stiffness away.