Protein help required...

lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
I am working out at the gym and my trainer has suggested that I should try to increase my protein intake a little

Does anyone have any suggestions of natural (i.e. not shakes or bars) high protein, low fat/cal snacks I can include in my diary?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Any Meat, Beans and Peanut Butter have natural protein. Grill yourself a bunch of Boneless Chicken Breast and eat it all week for meals or snacking when you feel you need protein.
  • mwehby
    mwehby Posts: 3 Member
    Solid White Tuna - in water. I have it drained, right out of the can, with a little bit of pepper. It is 26g of protein, 4g fat. (full 5 oz can). Works great for me, but Tuna is an either you love it or hate it snack.

    Hope that helps.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Tuna! 22g protein & ~100 kcal depending on which can u choose, and cottage cheese; low cal high pro. :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hard boiled egg

    String cheese

    greek yogurt

    whole almonds (not really low fat, but the fats in them are good for you)

    I've been doing MFP since March of this year and am almost always over on protein. I've never drank a protein shake or have eaten a protein bar.

    I eat lean meats, and whats above.
  • Melissajojo3
    Melissajojo3 Posts: 100
    For gh proein, I eat a handfull which is about 30 pieces of al mix nuts which is almost, peanuts, and pistachos, this is a very quick and tasty snack and high, very high in protein... Also you can try a turkey roasted sandwish, that has about 27g of protein.
  • coolani
    coolani Posts: 12 Member
    I wonder about adding protein to meals such as egg whites with breakfast, veggie burgers with lunch. Also you could try reduced fat string cheese, fat free yogurt, almonds are good protein, also with fat but the good kind. Good luck!!
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I was shocked that a chicken breast has 25g for 4oz. Make about 6 of them on Sundays before the work week and cut them up. I measure out 4oz portions and put them freezer bags. Put them on a LaTortilla Factory Tortilla (net 3 carbs - lots of fiber) with some salsa and cheese. I have been buying Salmon from our local warehouse club that comes in steam pouches - great on a salad. Tuna is a very low cost option....I haven't really used it b/c I hate the smell out of a can - might try the vacuum pouches though.

    Why are you against shakes? There are some fabulous ones out there. Muscle milk is my favorite. If you drink them within 30 minutes of working out, it helps gain more lean muscle mass which burns more calories. Suprisingly, they stay with you for a few hours. Better yet, throw the strawberries and cream in a blender with a ripe banana! If you use Silk Unsweetened Almond milk with the muscle milk powder the calories are lower b/c almond milk only has 35 calories a cup!

    Good luck - that is my two
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I wonder about adding protein to meals such as egg whites with breakfast, veggie burgers with lunch. Also you could try reduced fat string cheese, fat free yogurt, almonds are good protein, also with fat but the good kind. Good luck!!

    Don't shy away from an egg yolk! They are so full of healthy fats and vitamins!! If you mix a full egg with a couple of egg whites, you still have a low cal omlet. That is why they call it the incredible edible egg. The fats are good for moisture in your hair and skin too!
    Love eggs!!!!!! Cheapest protein you can find :)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, salmon, shrimp, lobster, crab, orange roughy, cod, lean red meat (flank steak, top sirloin, buffalo), cottage cheese, eggs, most any dairy product, edamame, other soy products, beans/legumes...
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    Solid White Tuna - in water. I have it drained, right out of the can, with a little bit of pepper. It is 26g of protein, 4g fat. (full 5 oz can). Works great for me, but Tuna is an either you love it or hate it snack.

    Hope that helps.

    Just saw that one of my MFP friends put canned tuna on a LaTortilla Factory tortilla (3net carbs, 5g protein, 50cal) with some cheese and fresh salsa! = that sounds like a winner for people who are tuna skeptics (like myself).
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Chobani Non Fat Plain Greek Yogurt has 23 grams of protein per serving. Add some fresh blueberries, strawberries or blackberries and you have a really yummy, healthy & clean treat. Or just add Stevia (truvia or stevia in the raw)
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Chicken breast is very low in calories and very high in protein.

    So are peanuts,but I found that chicken breast keeps you full for longer and with peanuts you'd have to eat quite a lot of them to get the same protein as you'd get from chicken.

    I really enjoy eating stir fry vegetables or bagged salad with chicken breast (about 100-150gr) and some spices. Very filling,low calorie and high in protein.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I was shocked that a chicken breast has 25g for 4oz. Make about 6 of them on Sundays before the work week and cut them up. I measure out 4oz portions and put them freezer bags. Put them on a LaTortilla Factory Tortilla (net 3 carbs - lots of fiber) with some salsa and cheese. I have been buying Salmon from our local warehouse club that comes in steam pouches - great on a salad. Tuna is a very low cost option....I haven't really used it b/c I hate the smell out of a can - might try the vacuum pouches though.

    Why are you against shakes? There are some fabulous ones out there. Muscle milk is my favorite. If you drink them within 30 minutes of working out, it helps gain more lean muscle mass which burns more calories. Suprisingly, they stay with you for a few hours. Better yet, throw the strawberries and cream in a blender with a ripe banana! If you use Silk Unsweetened Almond milk with the muscle milk powder the calories are lower b/c almond milk only has 35 calories a cup!

    Good luck - that is my two

    I agree with protein shakes...Pure Protein has a 120 calories shake with only 1 gm of sugar and 3 gm or fiber. It taste good too.
    1 a day won't hurt you at all. If you're concerned..ask your doctor. Be careful with Muscle many will give you lots of metals and arsenics. Read the June or July 2010 consumer report on protein powders and shakes.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I'm affraid of tuna after I read the mercury content is so high. I use to eat it every week but now limit it to maybe once a month until I use up what I have. I'll never give it to my Grand kids. Only Wild caught Salmon and Talapia or Chicken salad for me and my family.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I have found that I really LOVE sushi and sashimi -- as long as there is a beautiful mix of soy sauce and wasabi to dip it into before I eat it... Red Snapper and Tuna are my two favorite sashimi choices... both of which have almost 6g of protein per slice of sashimi!!!!!!!! 3 oz. of red snapper has 17g!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you're not a lover of this cuisine, and have tried it... I am sorry.

    If you're not a lover of this cuisine, and have NEVER tried it... Now is the time to do something different and WONDERFUL for yourself... try it before you say NO!

  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I am a big Egg Beater fan....very low in calories, 0 fat, and 6 g of protein for 1/4 of a cup. I will eat 1/2 of a cup of that with 2 slices of Jenno Turkey bacon and you have a nice healthy breakfast with about 20 g of protein. I also drink 1 protein shake 1 time a day. I also like the Detour Bars, they are very tasty and have 15g of protein. My fav snack is yogurt with fruit and string cheese. You can get the lite kind that is 60 cal. Good luck!
  • kelly_nunya
    kelly_nunya Posts: 2 Member
  • DrewD2011
    DrewD2011 Posts: 66 Member
    I am a big fan of BNS's Syntha 6 line. They are an absolute breakfast replacement and I am not trying to snack before lunch. 44g of protein, 12g fat and 400 cals, but with so many bcca's, the calories are burning fast...this is a lean muscle build formula with a good sized portion. And they taste GREAT (chocolate is my favorite, but so many are good). I am not a big fan of their RTD's, they taste a little oily to me now.

    My whole family likes these and I agree, they are a 1x a day supplement. I am on a repeating shipment from Amazon for the 5.04 jugs...good stuff! I eat a little fish, but no meat or chicken and this has been a great way to insure (with all my workouts) that I get the protein I need.