What Do You Do When Relatives Sabotage You?

Okay, so my Mom, bless her heart, who is wonderful, brought a crap-load of food to my house that is most definitely NOT wonderful: a loaf of homemade white bread (like my grandmother used to make!), a BOX of pizelles, a loaf of cinammon-raisin bread with that goopy sugary stuff all over the top, and cookies. I love her dearly, but this stuff (especially the BREAD) is calling my name!

So my question is -- how do you handle it when loved ones seem to sabotage your efforts?:smile:


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Move! LoL
    Just nicely tell her you are watching what you are eating and you appreciate all she does but please take it home with her.
    If it's there you'll eat it. I would. I live by myself and if I have my kids over for dinner for a birthday or anything, I send them home with all the left overs. espically the cake. I tell them either they take it or it's going in the trash. They know when I say something I mean it. I split it between the 4 of them so it is not too bad for their family. If they don't want it it goes in the trash. No kidding.
  • Rosaleeh81
    Rosaleeh81 Posts: 34
    i have to deal with the same thing! You just have to tell her, that u don't want (or need) that kind of food at ur house right now. Believe me, it's hard, but if u don't tell her, she won't stop doing it. If it's in ur house, ur gonna eat it.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Give it away, or freeze the breads and only have 1 slice a week :) Gotta love family.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I thank whoever gave me the stuff but let them know/remind them that I have changed my eating habits for good and won't be able to eat it all. Say that you would love a slice or two from each as a treat for later but the whole loaf will go to waste if it sits in your cupboard uneaten.
  • Melissajojo3
    Melissajojo3 Posts: 100
    Your mom loves you, and all she wants is to put a smile on your face.. Don't let the junk food win!! Eat it, but limit yourself, like a litte taste won't hurt at all, espeically if you have cheat days. I myself have frozen pizzas that my fiance bought for me, they have been sitting in my freezer for about 2 months already, when I eat one, I only eat 1 slice or half of a personal pizza..... Tell your mom thank you and just smile :)
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    Give it away, or freeze the breads and only have 1 slice a week :) Gotta love family.

    Package it in single portions and freeze it for a treat now and then :)
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    My family can eat or bring anything they want, cause its my choice what I eat. Now if I didn't have will power, then I would tell them they are welcome but the junk food stays out!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    visit less lol i also just tell people what i will and wont eat my family so use to it now they know
  • laceylovespink
    wait until she leaves, then give it to a family who could use it or throw it away...there will be people everywhere trying to shove food down your throat if they know you are trying to eat right....some of them have good intentions, others don't....In my experience I've found it useless to try to explain...so just smile, say thank you, then toss :)
  • Yayi724
    Yayi724 Posts: 13
    I'm actually having the same issue, my partner and I are both trying to lose weight, however he loses it so easily, he doesn't crave cookies and cakes, sweets in general like I do and doesn't particularly like the stuff. Yesterday he brought home a tiramisu and the day before he brought home 2 giant brownies and a stack of cookies. They are still sitting in the fridge but I'm so tempted to just have a bite but I know it will turn in to 2 bites then 3 then a stack of cookies gone. Sometimes I feel like he is doing it on purpose. I have told him nicely but I am to the point that I am going to just start throwing the stuff out or give it away. :smile:
  • dbower18
    dbower18 Posts: 40 Member
    This is a delicate situation and must be handled with the utmost discreetness. I would recommend gently admonishing here about your health fitness goals, then to make certain your point has been made, throw the food on the floor, then stomp on it while screaming "kill the beast", "kill the beast" over and over again.

    Now you can be certain she won't come over again, food or no food, and your problem is solved.

    Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
  • stinabear13
    stinabear13 Posts: 32
    tell her about your diet and goals and if shes isn't supportive or says oh a little won't hurt. wait until she leaves and invite a few friends over for a little snack party, (friends that are not on a diet or have some sort of super metablisim) and server them the foods and have them take them with them home. white lie but if your mom asks just say it was delicious .
  • MaryKatU
    MaryKatU Posts: 146
    Cut the loaves of bread into small portions then freeze it. You could treat yourself to a piece now and then.